GOG in the Year of our Lord 2018


Nice. Definitely my favorite game in the Wipeout/Futuristic Racer genre. It’s not even close.

I played it through 3 times.

  1. On N64.
  2. A year later on Dreamcast.
  3. A year after that on PC.

PC version is best obviously. I got lucky that each version was a successive improvement over the previous one.

Gog has just informed me they’re selling “Visual Novels” now. I wasn’t sure what this meant, and assumed it was something like a Tell Tale game. But after reading a user review I found them described this way:

eden* is great VN from minori (yes all lowercase). Its kinetic visual novel, which means no choices, you only keep clicking to move story forward.

Anyway, they’re having a sale on these things as a launch promo. No idea if they have any of the nudity and stuff Steam seems to have taken issue with in some of their Anime titles.


What does G.O.G. stand for again?

Visual Novels are a legitimate sub-genre of gaming, and as such, has both good games and bad ones. I for one am glad to see them on GOG, especially since the Valve-related issues in the last few days.

eden* was recommended to me by a close friend. The fault* VNs also come highly recommended, and I bought them for myself on Steam a while ago (though I have yet to play them). And I hope the STEINS;GATE series finds its way to GOG too.

I don’t own any, so I have no experience with them, but if (based on that review) there are no choices and all you’re doing is clicking a Next button the entire time, does that qualify as gaming?

There’s a lot of debate around that. Most VNs do have choices or even “minigames” within them (for instance, some of the Sunrider games have a turn-based tactical space combat game in them), but some are basically interactive books in a way.

I personally don’t care about classifying them. I like good books, I like good movies, and I like good games. If a good VN is a good game or a good book or a good movie is not relevant to me in the slightest, as long as I know what I’m getting - and most VNs are very clear in their “feature list” as to what to expect, in order to avoid misplaced expectations.

How did I not have this thread tracked, and HOW DID I MISS THIS ANNOUNCEMENT

God I loved that game, and like @Rock8man played it on N64 and PC (sorry, no Dreamcast here)

Now that’s a nice surprise.

Indeed - join us, won’t you?

Whoa, never heard of this game, looks great.

Well, there’s a reason you’ve never heard of it - it was released only on the original Xbox and, I believe, only in Japan.

Yes. Japan exclusive Xbox game.

For those who prefer seeing their 80% chance to hit shot result in a miss, but DRM-free.

Last but not least! (Well, okay, some will argue that it is actually least…)

I never understood the point of these really. Might as well read a book.

I’m working on a Visual Novel now, but it certainly has branches and choices. To me otherwise, it isn’t really a “game”. Hey, maybe GOG will even consider publishing this one from me!

I mean, the idea is that you have video and audio, particularly music. A lot of kinetic novels (and visual novels in general) are driven by their soundtracks.



Interesting tweet from GOG, could No One Lives Forever be coming?
