Going Nuclear in the Senate

If you were trying for a nonsensical Midnight Son style reply, you forgot the link.

You seem to be operating from the assumption that egregiously political appointees are a severe problem of some sort. Isn’t that just our system working as it should? The majority elects a president who reflects their views/priorities, who appoints judges that reflect his/her views/priorities, who gets approved by elected representatives that reflect the views/priorities of their constituents. What’s the problem here?[/quote]
Whatever. The burden of proof rest on the shoulders of the right wing to show that such a large change (and one that is clearly in their interest) should be made. What’s the arguement so far? That it’ll let them ram in it’s pet political judges! That’s laughable.

Anyway, yes it is a problem, and it absolutely is not “our system working as it should”. Judges are not supposed to be political, they are supposed to rule according to the law. Once only a slim majority is needed, this will not happen.

If you were trying for a nonsensical Midnight Son style reply, you forgot the link.[/quote]
It’s not nonsensical, you just need to keep up. As mentioned before, stuffing the judicial branch with political judges beholden to political parties weakens and potentially erases the seperation between the three branches of government.

Here’s your quote and link:

“If Bill Frist asks for a ruling from the chair from Dick Cheney, of course Cheney will rule in his favor,” Graham said. “What are the Democrats going to do, appeal to the Supreme Court? There’s no place for them to go. That’s the power of the majority.

It all starts with Bork, really. A truly great legal mind kept off the court for reasons of his politics, not his quality as a jurist. I’m pro-choice, but I don’t think this is the path we should have walked to make that happen.

Pesonally, I’d rather seen Brown go through, even though she has extreme views, because she actually believes in the rule of law, rather than Owen, who actually believes that judges should strike down laws that they feel are immoral.

You seem to be operating from the assumption that egregiously political appointees are a severe problem of some sort. Isn’t that just our system working as it should? The majority elects a president who reflects their views/priorities, who appoints judges that reflect his/her views/priorities, who gets approved by elected representatives that reflect the views/priorities of their constituents. What’s the problem here?[/quote]

Well, the general argument you run up against is one of disproportionation. If the extremism of the Bush administration were going to end when Bush and his administration got voted out, I’d tend to agree with you. However, imagine an extremist administration on whichever side incenses you the most that manages to place 10% of the judicial population on the benches. Thos appointments don’t wear out. So let’s say for whatever reason the socialist party came into power for a four year period somehow; are you okay with a simple majority for 4 years being able to lend significant weight to long and lasting socialist reforms due to a confluence of judicial positions and poor judgement on the American populace during one election? Makes me a bit leery.

Politics is often messy and imperfect, but this isn’t about that. It’s about control and grabbing for power. It’s also about a GOP in the grip of some very radical people. Lets hope once this is over they can recognize that they made a deal with the devil, but somehow I doubt it.

They are if you want me, or others, to respect their rulings. Society requires some level of restraint and compromise to function. Judges need to be somewhat trusted by all parties. Maybe that is no longer possible? :roll:

Bork’s “great legal mind” - he’s turned into a wingnut conspiracy theorist. We were pretty much right on that one.

Um, Brown has said that judges should ignore the constitution in favor of “the higher law” when necessary, so I’m pretty sure she doesn’t believe in the rule of law.

Nice editorial in the Boston Globe about how slimey the rules change tactics are.

Update - Crisis: Averted.


Dewey Beats Truman

Last I heard, the dems were rolling in the foldup beds…


People on both Kos and Free Republic are pissed!

Must be a good deal…

No real info on the deal as yet, as far as I can see. But if both sides hate it, it might be fair.

I was so far ahead of the curve that THERE WERE NO LINKS.

Dewey Beats Truman[/quote]



As to the nominees, looks like the Democrats ate cloture the 3 insane ones. Way to go, dipshits. Should have just let them revoke the rule, at least then you’d get to retaliate.

Fucking Owens and Janice Rogers Brown can go to hell.