Golden Tee


There is a Playstation version and once was a game for personal computers, neither of which sold very well. But over the next 12 months, the company expects Golden Tee to gross $350 million worldwide.

Oh my!


When you’re selling each unit for $5K… you’re bound to make money. Best game ever.

We have a golden tee here in the office and a couple of guys play it religiously, but no one else touches it.

Maybe it’s because my face is constantly contorted into a sour pucker of cynicism, but I simply don’t believe these guys when they say $350M. That’s 70,000 machines at 5K per pop. And they said that was for just this year. In my deeply scientific study, I’ve only seen these things at a handful of airports and the occasional Hooters. I could be wrong though. I was wrong about this whole Internet-is-a-fad thing.

Aren’t they in a ton of bars? I could see them selling 70k to bars in college towns alone.

– Xaroc

I think some of these machines get leased where they split the income. When my Uncle owned a bar, that is how he had all his machines. They were free for him and he split the money with the guy who took care of them, except of course my uncle is a con man and ended up figuring some way into the machine and taking extra money out, so the deal was pretty one sided.


I’m sure there are at least 500 just in the city of Edmonton alone. I mean, one bar across the street from my office has 3 of them. That number actually seems a little low.

I was under the impression that they built bars and taverns -around- Golden Tee machines.


Yeah, there are one or two in many of the bars in my area. Business folks with too much time to blow at lunch, I guess. Who has that kind of time to goof off when they should be working? [size=2](As my post count surpasses 900.)[/size]