99 cents a year will break you? Right after the rant against ads? WhatsApp is ad-free for 99 cents. You’re terrible.
There is this article from The Verge (published 2 days ago) which talks about changes in the code to accommodate ads: Latest version of Gmail for Android hints that ads are on the way
… the latest version of Google’s email app contains references to built-in advertisements. The uncovered code hints that users will be able to save ads that catch their interest as messages, but little else is known about the company’s approach to mobile ads — or how intrusive they’ll be.
But there are no visible changes to my mailbox at this point. If ads are on their way, they are still a future feature.
If Google was to introduce ads, I’m sure they would end up in the promotions tab, like for the web version. Mind you, now that I think of it, I don’t even remember being served ads in my Promotions tab.
99 cents a year? That’s it? Huh. I had no idea. I wish they’d tell you that in the app. Instead, all it keeps saying is it wants my credit card info, completely divorced from Google Play or anything. I’ve no idea if it’s secure or not, or what it would cost. For all I know, after I give them my credit card info, they could charge a little or a lot. They should do a better job of letting current app users know that it’s cheap.
Anyway, I’d gladly pay $10 for the app and not have to have a subscription, like I said. I don’t like the idea of subscriptions, cheap or not.
As for ads: I don’t mind ads when they’re non-invasive, but most ads on phone apps are VERY invasive.
Edit: Turns out What’s app does offer a Google Wallet option (which you don’t find out about unless you try to pay first), and that they do offer a five year option so that I don’t have to worry about a subscription (which again, you don’t find out about unless you try to pay first). Oh well, all’s well again.
The new version of Gmail DID however, animate the checking of multiple emails in the inbox view (previously, a little checkmark appeared over the contact picture or giant letter used in place of contacts without images; now, a giant checkmark appears as the picture/letter flips around like a letter in Wheel of Fortune).
So, you know, good use of time and engineering talent there, I guess.
For the record, on the gmail phone app if you want to delete stuff, just swipe it to the side. It archives it, which is basically delete.