Gothic II newbie first thoughts

Stick close to the city and look around. Talk to EVERYONE. There are lots of ways to earn XP in the city. Also, retalk to some of them. You should be able to do ALL of the apprentice quests without leaving the city very far at all. There are hints on all of them. If that doesn’t help, go to gamefaqs, but I recommend figuring it out on your own, just because it’s part of the game. Personally, I get approval from all of them, but I always apprentice with Bosper. The trophy money will keep giving you returns well into the game.

Actually, that leads me to a question. Is there any reason to get any of the other trophy skills? Is it just money? If so, none, except skinning, seem worth it.[/quote]

I didn’t get the skill or try to give him one, but I seem to remember a NPC at the Castle that wants a body part(heart?)

I can find orcs easily enough, just can’t kill them…one shot and I’m dead. I got a quest to use this Oblivion spell on someone so I can learn alchemy but I can’t figure out how to make it work–the instructions the quest give gives do not work. I guess I’ll just have to keep running in circles for a while.

Dragon scales and dragon blood are used to produce better weapons as a mercenary (I don’t know what benefits you get from this skill as a paladin or as a mage).

I just finished last night. Small advice with a tiny spoiler:

---------Tiny spoiler advice----------
Don’t get on the ship at the end of the 5th chapter without some lab bottles. :roll:

Don’t play with orcs yet. They don’t play nice. Wait for level 10-13, depending.

Talking to everyone is key. Don’t pass up an opportunity to get the open locks skill. Get your strength up. And be a little cagey. If you can’t beat something, come back for it later, or lead it to the guards. They’ll kill it. A waste of experience for you if they do, though.

I just finally hit the valley of mines with my level 16 mage.After taking out the orc camp 1-2 orcs at a time I reached the valley and boom! Leveled up from all those orcs. Now I’m meandering towards the castle, killing snappers and the odd orc that shows up. A few more levels and maybe I can go return the favors for the bitch-slapping Inubi gave me, hurhurhur…

The guy on the road told me to swim downstream behind the castle and make a dash through the orcs. Am I going to hurt the story f I keep up my plan of nibbling away at the creatures I find for a few more levels before I make for the castle?

No, carry on. You can waste as many of the orcs as you like (and you should, for the exp). A lot of them will respawn in a couple of chapters time.

I hit the island last night and found a few lab bottles. Don’t have sulphur or a black pearl on me, though. :evil:

Getting Orc Slayer on the top of the Aztec structure on the NE-side of the Khorinis map and having the strength to wield it was what made the orcs “do-able” for me at 12-13th level. That was basically what got me over the frustration threshold with the game.

No, carry on. You can waste as many of the orcs as you like (and you should, for the exp). A lot of them will respawn in a couple of chapters time.[/quote]

[size=5]Spoiler alert![/size]

In fact, the way in which you get into the castle can be ‘abused’ when it comes to killing the orcs around the castle rather easily.

Regarding Orc fighting, it took me quite a deal of gritted teeth, muttered imprecations, and outright fury before I figured out one simple thing about the combat control scheme that I felt like an absolute moron for missing for so long…

If you move back with your weapon drawn, you will either move back or automatically parry any incoming blows (depending on whether your opponant is attacking at the moment). Before I figured this out, I kept getting wasted by my inability to time my parries (left mouse button +back)… especially with the Orc triple slash attack. By releasing the left mouse button and just pushing back, even a relatively low-level character can hold off a single orc indefinitely.

Now I just need to figure out how to kill a troll without getting pummeled.

Getting Orc Slayer on the top of the Aztec structure on the NE-side of the Khorinis map and having the strength to wield it was what made the orcs “do-able” for me at 12-13th level. That was basically what got me over the frustration threshold with the game.[/quote]

I found Orc Slayer and the torturer’s axe at about the same time. I kept the axe, just because it looked cooler to me. I didn’t see any othe difference between them. Kills orcs good…

Now I just need to figure out how to kill a troll without getting pummeled.

Troll fight spoiler or something like that. (Duh.)

It’s not that difficult if you do the following: run around him in circles. (And by ‘run’ I mean ‘run’ - not ‘circle-strafe’.) The troll can’t turn that fast, so run until you’re near to his back. Then you can hit him once or twice while he’s still turning around. Now run again and repeat.

I just keep backing away from orcs. They always charge with an overhead chop. Iterrupt the chop with an attack, then back away from any follow-ups until he charges again. Works good against multiple orcs, too, since you constantly backing up makes it hard for them to cirlce you, the weedy bastards. The only trouble is if I run out of space, I get chopped down if there’s more than one left.

Trolls are easy. Pretend to be a goblin and keep running cirlces around him. He doesn’t turn on a dime, and sometimes stops to roar, which just leaves him wide open. Just continue slashing at his buttocks a hit or two at a time. Either he’ll die or you finger will cramp from holding the run key down…

Set the spell scroll to a key for quick casting. Then knock down an NPC, AND immediately cast the spell on him before he gets up.The dialog will let you know if you timed it right and he was effected by the spell.

Set the spell scroll to a key for quick casting. Then knock down an NPC, AND immediately cast the spell on him before he gets up.The dialog will let you know if you timed it right and he was effected by the spell.

I’ve tried that but I must be doing it wrong. When I slug them they pull a knife or sword and immediately start killing me.

Set the spell scroll to a key for quick casting. Then knock down an NPC, AND immediately cast the spell on him before he gets up.The dialog will let you know if you timed it right and he was effected by the spell.[/quote]

That reminds me-I heard there was some way to drink potions in combat, but I haven’t been able to figure it out. I got the autosave working (LOVE that!), and thought I activated the potions, but what’s the command for it? Anyone know?

Aha, figured out your problem, don’t use your fists. :) In Gothic you can knock down named NPCs(unlike monsters or generic NPCs like bandits) with a sword, they don’t die unless you attack them again with the sword when on the ground, just regain consciousness and get back up. Use the spell before they get up.

As far as I can tell, you don’t have to cast Oblivion before they get up. You just have to get them before they can tell Andre about what you did. It also helps to not have any witnesses, or they will tell a guard. The danger in not casting oblivion soon enough is that the NPC might yell for a guard, of course. However, Oblivion gets rid of anger toward you, whether they are on the ground or not.

And Wombat…there are ways to do the smith’s quest without fighting an orc…look around…or talk to him again (though bandits are tough too). SPOILER HINT: check near the outside of the city walls. If you want a further hint, PM me.

H for health and M for mana. The catch is that it’ll use the most potent potion in your inventory.


H for health and M for mana. The catch is that it’ll use the most potent potion in your inventory.[/quote]

Thanks! Ther’ve been a bunch of really hard combats where if I could have jsut healed one time…