Grand Theft Auto: Arrested

I think it’s a multiplayer-only thing.

And probably for a limited time. :( Don’t worry though, we will have Left 4 Dead soon enough.

I totally forgot all about the 360-specific DLC that was supposed to come out for this game… is this that?

I don’t think so. I read somewhere that the DLC is coming maybe early 2009?

Oh well, I guess multiplayer zombie killing is cool too, but I was hoping for some interesting scenarios. I haven’t really dug into GTA4’s multiplayer, so maybe this will be the kick in the pants that gets me started.

Yeah, this might not be as cool as all that after all.

With the all-new Viral Infection feature at the Rockstar Social Club, members can now see whether they are currently infected, the number of total global infections and the number of infections in the last 24 hours. Digging deeper, Social Club members can also browse a color-coded world map tracking the spread of the infection worldwide, including breakdown for all 50 US States. Click here for the Viral Infection feature.

They’re adding trophies for the PS3 as well …

So this is just a tracker for that viral achievement for playing with a Rockstar employee?

Heh. Heh heh. Hahaha. HA HA.

Fucking Rockstar.


I really can’t figure them out right now.

I did some poking around on the site, and so far the only zombie model they’re showing is the muscly dude in a speedo? Is that all there is? So if you are ‘zombified’ you strip off your clothes and sprout zombiefied muscles? OK, urge to participate … falling.

No, that’s something that’s been in the start. It’s just a different character model you can choose. It doesn’t change anything about the fundamental gameplay.

This whole thing is just a WoW-esque viral communication study, except that it makes less sense because it doesn’t happen in a virtual landscape.

Nothing added to the actual game, as far as I can tell.

Christ, really?

Urge to kill rising, rising. . .

Still, I thought GTA IV’s multiplayer was hella fun.

Yeah, it was great. Maybe they should’ve made it an actual part of the main game …

It’s especially awesome that they did it after SR2 came out with a zombie minigame. Sure, they could’ve made a full-city zombie plague mod that would’ve blown SR2 out of the water. But this is GTA IV, they have a reputation to uphold.

I still wonder wtf they’re doing. Besides guaranteeing that nobody buys GTA 5 right away, I mean. Get some damn DLC out! FFS, the game is crying out for content.

I’m laughing now at all the suckers that are holding on to the game in hopes if it becoming good one day. What a fucking turd of a game.

It’ll get fun later!

Fuck GTA.

I have no idea if this is the main GTA IV thread. I finally decided to give GTA IV a try since it was sitting in my backlog for so long. I have to say I have no idea why so many people like this game. I’ve only played for about 2 hours, but I think I’m done. I don’t care for the controls, especially driving. Using the emergency brake makes the car slide like its on ice. The fighting seems awkward. I don’t give a crap about buying clothes. While I thought it was amusing that I could bowl, the game itself isn’t fun. What the heck am I missing here?

I’m not a huge fan of the genre, but I did like Saints Row: The Third. Sleeping Dogs was OK. Just Cause 2 was just repetitive but at least I like my first couple of hours with it.

I never liked 4, really didn’t like the main character, I am loving 5.

4 does a few neat things but IMO it is the worst GTA title (including all portable versions, old top down versions, etc…).

5 is easily the best one.

You guys are all insane. GTA IV is fucking awesome.

I liked it, but I had a lot of issues with it. I hated the driving model, Niko’s woe-is-me monologues coupled with him shrugging and casually killing people, the date stuff, and the stand there while the target drives away mission starts bugged the shit out of me.

And of course, GFWL.