Greenwald: Obama's Big Sellout Part II

It’s like this thread has started over: where’s the votes?

Herbert bitching about top-end plan getting taxed when currently their tax rate is 0% is amusing - the labor market can’t possibly reallocate between health care benefits and wages when taxes go up on one!

Jeff Lackey arguing alongside labor leaders: never thought I’d see the day!

That’s the thing. YOU WON’T GET ANYTHING BETTER THEN THIS. I love how they say that things will be better through reconcilliation or a try again.

LOL! You know I was a union member for a while, right?

I love the “THIS IS THE BEST YOU WILL EVER GET! SO JUST EAT IT!” Since when do we have to be satisfied with our elected Congress men and women sucking up to lobbyists and screwing up the most important piece of legislation in the last few decades? That is exactly why we are treated like children by the people in Washington, because they know they can feed us crap and call it strawberries and claim victory and we’ll eat it.

I’d rather say no. Go back and put something good together, cut out the payback to whoever in the insurance industry is padding your pockets, and if it’s hard - too frikken bad, that’s your job.

Except that the people already in office are the best of the choices available to you. A Republican president and/or congress would’ve never proposed anything other than a tax cut for insurers.

You understand that politically you are pulling the equivalent of a child sticking his fingers in his ears and going LA LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU right?

You realize that politically you get the behavior you reward, right?

I was so excited by the potential of what this bill could have been. And now I see the Dems being as corrupt as the freaking GOP. And everyone saying “Oh, but that’s the best you can expect. So accept it.”

No, I’m not sticking my fingers in my ears and saying I can’t hear you. I’m looking you right in the eyes and telling you I’m sick of this shit.

Then run for office. See how far that boat will take you.

Looks like Greenwald is going to need that space in the Ecuadorian embassy. Hopefully he and his family aren’t in Brazil right now.

Best he gives his SVR handler a call.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.