Grim Dawn - An ARPG from Crate (ex Iron Lore aka Titan Quest devs)

Just spent an hour going over my occultist/inquisitor (Deceiver) in an effort to make build that doesn’t suck for once. At level 28 it started showing some weakness in the Arkovian Undercity. Not horrible, although the boss guarding the shrine did manage to kill me once (got stunned). Mostly it was just taking far too long cutting down some of the bigger skeletons. So I think I am switching form a dual pistol, heavy cold build to dual pistols, heavy fire, with a strong hellhound. Something to tank for me while I blast them. My worry though, is having a back up to fire. Do any of the big bosses have a strong fire resistance?

I still need to figure out the right constellations as well. For me that’s one of the flaws of the game, finding the right constellations is too time consuming.