Grim Dawn - An ARPG from Crate (ex Iron Lore aka Titan Quest devs)

I haven’t played since before the 1st expansion so I prepared last night too. I went in and deleted all my characters and cleaned out the shared inventory. 340 hours and tomorrow I start from scratch

doing the same thing.

Well said Anklebiter. It is the best game of its kind, which is amazing.

I just went into the game for the first time since last May. I can’t delete stuff, but I did turn on Steam cloud backup, and so all that stuff that I offloaded to Grim Dawn Item Assistant can go to hell. Whatever I have in my shared inventory is enough for me. That should make for a clean start tomorrow with a new character.

I guess the main thing I have to decide is: Hardcore or Immortal character?

I think I might create an Immortal character first, just to learn the ropes with the new class, and see the new content at least once.

Yeah, that’s the right call, gonna clear out all mine as well. Can’t wait!

Your guys are clearing out your stashes… what, are you all insane? Of course I’ve used about 2% of what’s in there, but it’s the principle of the thing!!!

Yeah, they’re crazy. Last year, when I started playing hardcore for the first time, I had to go through the pain of not having anything in the shared stash, including basic stuff that I need for recipes. Now that I finally have my hardcore stash built up, there’s no way I’m clearing it. I don’t mind losing gear, that I can always find again. But all the little doodads you need for recipes? Never!

Thank you! Unless the citizens of Devil’s Crossing are calling A&E on a daily basis trying to get you featured on the show Hoarders, then I can’t even understand why you’re playing these types games. Get back to me when you’re buying additional copies of the game to hold more of your stuff.

Soooooo this comes out for XBO tomorrow too? Anyone in? How the hell do I juggle this and Division 2?!

Edit: Bah, still TBA?

What’s that? Something new, or am I forgetting something?

The default characters are immortal. They can “die” an infinite number of times but never die. The hardcore characters have only one life.

Ahh ok thanks. My “duh” moment of the day.

Yeah it’s normally called softcore. Does the game have its own terminology for it?

As with most games of this sort a character is either hardcore or not, the default being not. It’s not called anything, specifically.

I’m looking forward to the expansion - just finished the first expansion for the first time with a new character a couple of months ago, so will likely pick up from there rather than restarting. My co-op partner and I had both been wanting to keep playing new content when we wrapped up (going back through on a higher difficulty didn’t have all that much appeal) so this is timed quite well.

Steam says approximately 4 hours to go. I guess I’ll buy it tonight after work.

Oh Jesus, this comes out today? I’m already drowning in awesome games. Make it stop (okay please don’t, this is amazing, but man I wish I could retire at 41! ;)).

Being able to retire is one of the only advantages I’ve found to being old. That and collecting Social Security.

Edit - Age 67 and retired 11 years. :)

That’s awesome! I got a late start on getting my feet under me financially so I’ll likely work until the day I die, but a man can still dream, right?!

Well…I have 7 oathkeeper builds I want to try already lol. This is going to be fun :P

I’m planning to try Oathkeeper and… uh… something else. Not sure what. So that makes the first 10 or so levels easy!

Shield synergy and physical damage synergies with Soldier.

What else are you thinking?

Fire damage synergies with the Demolitionist?
Acid and Vitality damage synergies with the Occultist?