Grim Dawn - An ARPG from Crate (ex Iron Lore aka Titan Quest devs)

FWIW, my enjoyment of Grim Dawn grew immensely when I started using Item Assistant.

Equipment is such a PITA to organize and deal with. Offloading “what to keep” into just dumping everything into the infinity stash to be searched against later frees up so much brain for murder. Highly, highly recommended.

e: and if you’re not aware of the amazing grimtools (build calculator, quest checklist, item database, etc), well, now you don’t have that excuse.

Surprised no one has said it yet, but a lot of people prefer it with a controller. (I never did try it though.)

Well that item assistant looks great, thank you for that!

It’s awesome. Just make sure to follow the instructions step by step to get it working.

I’m a big fan of GD on controller. It’s not perfect – targeting is some value of wack on a regular basis – but it’s really good and a LOT easier on my wrist than m+kb.

The worst part of gamepad interfaces in these games is mitigated by the fact that you can seamlessly switch between gamepad and m+kb. So for things like viewing item or skill tooltips, inventory management, etc, I just put the controller down and run mouse+kb for a minute. Works really well.

Another vote for gamepad in this game, it’s been great. Using a gamepad to slaughter countless bad guys has been so therapeutic.

Yah besides the gamepad being great in its own right, the game instantly switches between mouse/kybrd and controller. This allows you to for instance put all your static buffs on the “mouse” bar that auto pops up when you engage the mouse. It’s very easy to use the mouse for what it works best on, and the controller for the rest of the game.

Agreed. Looking at you WH40k Prophecy…

YEah that’s my biggest complaint about Martyr/Prophecy, I love it so much otherwise.

Wow. That’s one way to play it I guess.

Are you interpreting his post correctly? I do that too. Basically, you load up a character, and you activate all the buffs using the mouse, and then you pick up the controller and go forth and adventure. Then you come back to town and you use the mouse again to sell loot, then you pick up the controller and re-join the fight.

Do y’all also hold the controller like this?

No? I hold it like a normal person. What are you on about?

I’m just trying to understand who’s using the mouse/controller hybrid method. See what other crazy input method ideas they have.

You’re just using the mouse to click some icons at the bottom of the screen. It takes 5 seconds. Then the rest of the time you use the controller to play. The game automatically switches control methods seamlessly.

So it’s:

5 seconds with the mouse
2 hours with the controller
1 minute with the mouse back in town selling loot
2 more hours with the controller.

Are…you okay? Using the mouse for some things and the controller for others in this game is GREAT.

I’m guessing the disconnect is that @Mellified thought we were advocating like switching over to the mouse during combat. Nonono, dude, we’re talking about permanent summons/auras that you toggle once per play session. It just frees up buttons for other things.

It’s very basic and straightforward, I feel like you’re missing something or at least greatly misunderstanding it. You only toggle buffs on one time then you’re done, you don’t touch them again (unless you die). Putting them on a hotkey saves room on your controller layout so you can keep the active abilities on ABXY, triggers, buttons, etc. Why would you want to tie up your Y button with a buff you only hit one time in a gameplay session?

I tried the controller with this and aiming was wonky as hell. It was nowhere near as smooth as Diablo 3.

Blizzard kind of rebuilt it all from the ground up for the console version, including adding things like dodge. It definitely feels “native” in D3. With Grim Dawn, controller support was added to an existing KBM game and supports both. Gamepad was my preferred way of playing Grim Dawn, but console version of D3 is more polished. Of course, the D3 versions are separate and they don’t support both, just the one control scheme for each.

Yeah. I never really used the dodge roll in D3. It didn’t actually feel like it added anything. The movement and aiming were perfect, though. This game I’m KBM. Should fire it up again (although I say that about all my games).