I’d absolutely die laughing if you were to come on this message board tomorrow and inform us all that you were stabbed violently in the park with a needle full of 14 different strains of HIV. God, I would laugh so hard.
Please get to work on making that happen.
Met, I wonder if you’d die laughing if it were a member of your family who contracted HIV…a child, or your wife, or a sibling…
God, you have to be the most pathetic bastard I’ve run into, in cyberspace, or otherwise, in a long time.
I was at one of the two local EBs today and they received 108 copies of Vice, all pre-ordered; their next shipment (so they told customers) would be mid-November, and they were taking pre-orders on that. I suspect the other EB and the GameStop in the mall have similar tales to tell.
I might get it eventually, if I feel like it, or if I have a coupon or credit or something. I played the original for a while, found it fun, never finished it. I think Vice should be similarly entertaining for a bit, but not enough to force me to camp out at Best Buy for a copy.
I think Met’s trying to be funny and failing. At least, I hope that’s it.
Maybe Met’s just trying to remind us of how uncivil and stale that 98% of other message boards are. If so, he succeeds at that for me…
Me and Cathcart went to EB today and we got the official scoop. Our store received 402 copies of Vice City, but they went to the people that pre-ordered it in October…of 1992!
The next shipment, in November, will take care of those who ordered it 1993. This will continue for the next several months, until those who ordered it this year can expect to get a call sometime in August 2003.
Things to do:
Invent time-machine
Stop Hitler
Pre-order Vice City
I had no problem waltzing into Best Buy this afternoon and picking it up. For $39.99. They even had some promo where you get free Netflix. Too bad I already have Netflix.
However, all the copies were stacked up at the checkout registers, in boxes behind the counters. It’s as if they didn’t even bother putting them on the shelves because they didn’t expect them to stay there long.
And the avalanche of praise from every site and magazine on the planet beginnnnnnnnnnnnnnns…NOW!
This might’ve just been a bit of a mistake since it’s been pulled, and there’ve been no announcements so far, but posted a Vice City for PC release date a couple weeks ago. They had it slated for 11/15. So soon and no announcements means it’s probably either someone being hasty or someone making a mistake, but still.
Wouldn’t it be great had the games been developed for both PC and PS2 at the same time? No more shitty ports! Yay!