Guild Wars 2?

I really wish gamers put half the energy into shit that actually matters instead of brigading whenever employees say things they don’t like.

That’s mild compared to what employees have said on the Guild Wars 2 subreddit without losing their jobs. Sounds like they were looking for a reason to let these two go.

I wondered how long that would take to make it here.

Basically, we aren’t hearing the full story. One of the people fired barely said anything and was a 13 year veteran employee. You don’t shitcan someone like that for nothing.

This basically. It’s why I didn’t post any opinion or comment about it. Just the links.

Yay! More game meta-drama!

It’s all getting predictably nasty, because the usual suspects are calling her a toxic feminist/SJW/etc and when you actually read the exchange and her past behavior, it’s pretty hard to defend her behavior. She’s a really unpleasant, mean person on social media.

I don’t know if this is true, but on other sites they’re claiming she celebrated TB’s death? If that’s true, why would they even wait for this exchange?

Also, isn’t this the same group that went after these two that complain that employees should be able to say basically… anything?

Yeah. She sounds like an abrasive jerk and not really someone I would enjoy spending time with.

Going from that to brigading on Reddit and calling for boycotts of ArenaNet is just typical gamer(gate) “outrage”.

Huh. She still has it up too

I don’t know what the huh is for, but I don’t follow any of these people. I heard TB defended Gamergate and she wasn’t kind when he died. Her exchange about writing seems not nearly as bad as some others. If they wanted to her to go I don’t know why they waited, which is what I said before.

Huh’s in surprise that she hasn’t scoured her history of this stuff.

She doesn’t seem to be the type that’s particularly shy about sharing how she really feels about something.

Oh like she hasn’t removed it? I believe she took that position do to his GamerGate stance. Since she’s a woman in gaming, she’s probably been harassed at some-point and think it’s fine.I don’t really share that POV, but I can see where she might get there. His death was tragic though, and he was so young it’s just… distasteful despite that, to say that for his death.

Had no idea that Bain was involved with Gamergate. From a quick look, it sounds as if his interest in it is from a very narrow standpoint, but I’d argue that can’t possibly be worth the entanglement with everything else.

Just read the twitter thread and I don’t get it. The guy made a suggestion/expressed an opinion. I didn’t read it at all as “telling her how to do her job” as she suggested. Moreover, I don’t see what she said that would be considered so offensive as to fire her. Maybe I’m missing parts of the thread.

I swear, people don’t know how to have a discussion or a difference of opinion anymore.

Not really. I’ve been following her on twitter for years, since she was at Paizo, and she’s interesting, well-spoken, has good ideas. She doesn’t tolerate idiots, but I would never describe her as mean.

Tweeting you’re glad someone in the gaming community is dead is mean, in my opinion.

She flipped out on someone for making a polite suggestion. And it wasn’t some condescending mansplaining passive aggressive shit either. It was a respectful start to a discussion and she kind of lost it.

Again, on the surface, I don’t see a firing offense, but apparently ArenaNet disagreed. I suspect, as @stusser does, that there were other things going on here.

Yea, but it’s an interesting, well-spoken sentiment.

I haven’t indulged in her entire oeuvre, but from what I read in quickly skimming she was unpleasant and downright mean. Maybe she was having a really bad week, who knows? Either way she clearly should not be talking about her work on social media if she can’t control herself.

Price gives her side:

“By the time that guy came along, I was so tired of having random people explain my job to me in company spaces where I had to just smile and nod that it was like, ‘No. Not here. Not in my space.'"

“I warned people in my interview that I was loud about these issues on social media and had no intention of shutting up,” she told Kotaku of when she first got hired at ArenaNet. “They reassured me that they ‘admired [my] willingness to speak truth to power.’”

“[CEO Mike O’Brien] told me I was going to look back and regret this because we were doing amazing work and I ruined it,” Price said. “The only regrets I’ve ever had, however, have been in situations where I didn’t stand up for myself, not ones in which I did, and I don’t expect that to change any time soon. My only real regret here is that I encouraged other women to come on board and promised them it was a safe company for them.”