Guild Wars sounds good...but no monthly fee

Guild Wars

How can we possibly expect good support on the back end of the game if the only place they make a buck is at retail…?

Though the game sounds VERY interesting, this does not bode well, I’m thinking.

I agree, it doesn’t add up.

They must have some significant advertising deals or something…perhaps imbedded in-game advertising or advertising that you see on the way in.

Or we are just going to get esque support.

Meaning not much and cheating will be rampant.

No monthly fee doesn’t necessarily mean no fee at all. I would expect to see an annual fee, at some point, unless NCsoft intends to just fund the hardware and bandwidth. I don’t see the game as being able to support itself on advertising or retail sales revenue.

And much depends on whether it is cleint/server or P2P technology. If it is P2P, then it is MUCH cheaper to host… and much easier to cheat.