Gunnerkrigg Court

None of that happened in the last 6 strips, unless by “significant character-building” you mean “he wasn’t a jerk”. I’m not even sure that is character building, as he’s just said that Coyote is threatening the people of the forest (which presumably includes Ysengrin) into being nice to her.

Yeah but Chapter 31 (the current chapter) has been awesome IMO.


Those were some well spent 6 hours of my life reading that.

I don’t want it back, but goddamn. I have stuff to do!

Don’t forget to check out the comments on the City Face strips.

It’s astoundingly good timing that Girl Genius is finally getting interesting again just as GK goes on a break.

Only Tom Siddell takes “breaks” by upping his comic posting rate from three times weekly to daily. Plus: City Face! I love City Face.

Live draw-age:

Also, new chapter has started.

His skill has improved so much over the years. I wonder if he looks back on his old work and fights the urge to redraw it.

Awww, poor widdle Reynardine.

Well, things have taken an interesting turn–

Nice Asimov reference today.

“Bam.” BIP

So, there’s that. :)

I’m a huge OOTS fan, evidenced by my giant Kickstarter pledge, but when it comes to the webcomic that I most look forward to, week after week, I think I might have to pick Gunnerkrigg Court.

If he does something on Kickstarter to fund this new full-time effort, I think I might have to sell a kidney.

And he’s posted what his plans are going forward. I wish him the best of luck, and have now donated for the second time to help him along his new path.

This just caugh my eye today. It´s very good.

(finihes reading). Scratch that, it´s amazing!

Edit: and now I´m sad I can´t keep on reading this for hours.

Read it again. It’s one of those things you’ll get more from the second time around.

And now it’s only three times a week. :(

Eh? it has always been Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

(sorry, if you are making a joke I must have missed it)