Guy who fucked a baby gets five years,,30000-12759975,00.html

I’m sure his fellow inmates will take care of the situation.

Yes, because prison rape isn’t quite as disgusting as when a woman gets raped.

I’m all for incarceration, but I don’t believe in physical abuse, no matter how heinous the crime. I think we’ve come a long way since 21 public lashes, don’t you think?

Thanks for sharing Whitta!

That’s what I’m here for.

I don’t agree with it either, but it happens whether we like it or not.

The fact it happens to bad people doesn’t mean we should celebrate its occurance.

I’ve yet to hear a criminal declare, “I’m pretty close to ceasing my commission of crimes, because that whole prison rape thing just isn’t up my alley,” so if it’s not working as a deterrent, it’s got no redeeming value whatsoever.


Believe me, no one is celebrating, least of all because a child was molested and a family was destroyed.

Children’s charities are outraged at the sentence, given after a psychologist’s report saying Talyor is at low risk of reoffending.

I thought pedophiles were considered to be a high risk to repeat?

I blame poverty. Obviously this guy is a victim of society.

What a dumbass… if he’d outright killed the same baby 18 months earlier he’d be a women’s liberation hero and anyone criticising him would be a religious fanatic. He was just a bit too late!

Look at the left and the right jump on this one.

I think this needs to be moved to PoliReli, STAT. Before someone loses an eye!

Does anyone else find it hilarious that people in jail for murder, grand theft, etc, etc punish pedophiles, cannibals, etc.?

Gotta love the whole “code of honor” thing that criminals have going.

I’m with Machfive on this.

I agree with Koontz, oddly enough. Why is it such a fucking bleeding heart situation to hope this guy gets what he deserves… HE FUCKED A 13 MONTH OLD CHILD.


Give me a fucking break.

So you approve of letting violent criminals take the law into their own hands?

To this guy? yes, wholeheartedly.

Damn. Charles Bronson died a few days too late.

Everything I’ve read has shown that pedophiles are at VERY high risk of repeating - there are several stories of pedophiles requesting chemical or even physical castration as they know they can’t stop. But it is a mental illness, and a very severe sociopathic one.

That said - emotive mode on - anyone who rapes a kid is low on my “feel sorry for his prison experience” list.

Taylor had blamed his crimes on the stress of working permanent night shifts and claimed to show remorse after losing four stones in weight after being caught.

This guy deserves whatever he gets, this is a pretty goddamned rediculous excuse. “I had to work late, so I thought, hey! I’ll rape a 13 month old child, But look! I’ve lost some weight. That must mean I’m sorry, right?”

Bullshit. 5 years? Bullshit. An old friend of mine was 21 and had consenting sex with a 17 year old, whose parents found out and charged him with statutory. He got 15 years for having normal, healthy sex with someone 1 year too young in the eyes of the law. This guy looked at a goddamned BABY and said, “Yeah. That’s getting me hard!” and got 5 years. What a sick fuck.