H1Z1 - First Dayz AAA clone?

Early Access - January 15th, 2015.

Hey folks,

After a lot of hard work, we’ve decided to make the release date January 15th, 2015. This gives us just enough time to polish what we have and put out something we’ll be proud of and hopefully you’ll be excited to play.

Why did it take longer than we originally thought? It’s a fair question. The simple answer is once we saw what we could have had earlier it wasn’t good enough and we wanted to put something out that we would be proud of. What you’ll be playing January 15th is a really fun game, but it’s early. It’s everything Early Access should be - a fun and compelling game that isn’t finished. Our goal is to have you help us finish it and have it be a game we can build a large community in over time.

Is it going to be a finished game? Absolutely not. If that’s what you’re expecting, DO NOT BUY EARLY ACCESS. The goal here is to let you in early and help us mold it into a game you want to be a part of for quite a long time.

We’ll have 2 SKUS when we launch. The basic early access sku for $19.99 - which will let you into the game and have a great time, and a more expensive one which we’ll announce here shortly. The difference between the two will be things like access to some of our different game mode servers (which you can get access to by purchasing tickets or earning them as well) and other specifics we’ll be outlining soon.

Is H1Z1 going to be better than Day Z day 1? No it won’t. We’ll get asked that question a lot and I wanted to be up front about it. We’re not as feature rich and they have a lot of really cool stuff we just don’t have yet. That being said, we’re also a different game. We’re an MMO and our goals are to create a large scale world that gives you the incredible feeling of being a survivor in a zombie apocalypse.

We’ll be starting out with roughly 64k square Kilometers, but we plan to grow it right away… and over time create our virtual version of the US post apocalypse. Look for us to start adding land right away post launch.

Please join us at 3:30pm PST on our H1Z1 twitch channel to answer any questions you may have!


Less features than DayZ? How?

I could live without some of DayZ “features” honestly, so I’ll withhold judgement.

I haven’t played DayZ in a minute, so maybe it has gotten better, but (depending on what you mean by feature) a lot of the “features” make it overly complicated and jankey. I wouldn’t mind fewer features if it meant a smoother, more streamlined experience.

Anyway, I’m going to be one of those guys buying my way into the H1Z1 beta. I played Planetside 2 almost exclusively for about a year and a half, and if they can scratch that MMO shooter itch and give me some zombies… I’m there.

I’m one of those people who hasn’t had enough of zombies yet.

I haven’t had enough either. I just bought and tried DayZ…worst purchase in a long time. Ran around for 1 hour on a server with 48 out of 50 peeps. Saw no one, killed one zombie, didn’t like the engine, couldn’t find much loot…yuck. I went back to 7 days to die and am really enjoying that now.

Me too. I’ll be itching to play on the 15th.

DayZ standalone is just not worth playing, even the first versions of the mod had more features than the current standalone version.
If you want to give DayZ a try get Arma2 and play either the main mod or one of the big submods like Epoch or DayZero. Epoch has base building and a ton of other content, DayZero is a more balanced oldschool DayZ experience.

Arise (sort of)!

This is going into Steam Early Access in approximately 4 hours. Obligatory link to their home page. While it’s going to be F2P, the Early Access costs $20 and includes a bunch of extra… stuff. Anyone going to get this?

They’re calling this a MMORPG but I don’t see a whole lot on the multiplayer aspect. Also, I wonder about how varied your activities will be in games like this. Yeah, I realize there’s zombie killing, exploring, crafting and base building, but how much variety can you expect in types of zombies - for example, The Last Of Us had 3 different types of zombies. Maybe the variety will come about in the ways you’re attacked and/or the volume of zombies. I doubt I’ll pay for Early Access but I am definitely interested in hearing impressions.

Official Launch Trailer

I think I’ll stick with 7 Days to Die rather than ever give SOE any money of any kind ever again. ever.

So is this PvE or PvP or what?

Full on All versus All PVP I’m afraid. It IS after all Smedley who makes this. He did respond to a twitter I sent though, that they may open PVE servers since people were asking.

Thanks Razgon, I couldn’t find it mentioned on their website. :)

Remember this is the game that all former SWG players wanted…seriously he said that. Um, pretty sure I never voted for a FFA PvP zombie game, but hey, I must want it.

They mentioned on a stream last week that they’ll have the ability to do a variety of different servers/rules. PvE, PvP. headshot only etc.

You’ll want to look into The Repopulation, which is an MMO in Early Access programme on Steam, which is basically a loveletter to SWG pre…whatever blew up that game :-)

Then play on any of the PVE servers?

I have it, actually. :)

Really too buggy to get into atm.

There’s an article here that claims H1Z1 will have both PVP and PVE servers.


Sadly, 95% of H1Z1 players will play it like Call of Duty. Just like every other open PvP zombie shooter …

Hoping one day devs will try something more radical to deal with rampant KoS. It’s too easy, too beneficial, and lacks long-term consequence. Taking the life of another survivor needs to be a BIG DEAL and something to be avoided. It should be costly for the killer and thought of as a last resort – for MOST players, at least, the ones that only do it because everybody else does so they have little choice. Not sure exactly how to accomplish such a thing but maybe something along the lines of stress disorders and insanity that leads to uncontrollable twitches, flinches, restlessness, hearing noises, seeing things …

Reminds me of a scene from Unforgiven with Clint Eastwood, when The Schofield Kid kills someone for the first (and last) time:

Schofield Kid: It don’t seem real… how he ain’t gonna never breathe again, ever… how he’s dead. And the other one too. All on account of pulling a trigger.
Will Munny: It’s a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.
The Schofield Kid: Yeah, well, I guess they had it coming.
Will Munny: We all got it coming, kid.

You sound like me (or I sound like you)! Just had that conversation, again, a couple days ago. The solutions I’ve come up with have exploitable holes but I’d at least like someone to be trying to address this. If you’re going to create a virtual world, you need to put something in place so it’s not so easy to flippantly become a mass-murderer. There’s a reason I’m not a murdering psychopath in real life, despite how badly I want to smash that guy’s face in with a shovel after he cut me off on the highway while texting on his fucking phone and was completely oblivious to the fact he just about ran me off the road and I swear to god I am going to follow him home and give him some fucking biblical laying on of hands with the fists of goddamned justice that smarmy little Escalade-driving fuck.

Guess I will be re-watching Unforgiven tonight, damn fine movie.