Halloween spook

You know you thought about it… wanted to do it… but something held you back…

not these kids!

A couple of Billerica boys apparently took that way too far for last night, chasing neighborhood children with bladeless revving chain saws, scaring the wits out them, police said.

I remember when I was young kid one of my wacky neighbors did that same exact thing to his roommate one Halloween. Roomate was running like a maniac ( well, mainly because of the maniac running behind him). Scared the absolute living shit out of everybody.

Little trick or treators and their parents walking around the apartment complex and then this loud ass BBBRRRAAAWWWWW. The roomate comes running out of the house stumblin and a bumblin with the neighbor right behind him. The neighbor chased hime for awhile around the park in front of the apt complex. It was freaky as hell. Course I was only 6 or 7 at the time so it was even freakier.

A grade school friend of mine had an older brother who had a party on Halloween to watch Texas Chainsaw massacre back in the 80’s.
So it’s dark, and some teenagers are watching a scary movie. His dad went out to the shed, got the chainsaw, took the chain off, and put a mask on. He waited for his wife to kill the power with the fusebox, counted to about seven, revved the chainsaw, kicked in door to the outside where the kids where, burst into the room and scared the living shit out of them.

Good times, good times.

That dad rules.

Holy shit, I so want to be a father right now. That would rock.

when I was a kid, my neighbor a block over tied a dummy up a light post. Looked pretty real to my 8-year-old eyes. We checked it out for awhile, then strolled along. A larger group of kids with a couple moms were behind us. They stopped at the dummy, and I guess the dude had rigged it to fall, 'cause it did a header right on top of them. Dunno who screamed louder, the kids or the moms.

Dude, those chainsaw kids really risk getting shot or something. Especially if they live too close to some of our QT3 posters!

This year, I made some gravestones out of cardboard boxes and some “faux stone” paint, and set em up in the front yard. Added a few parafin pots, a coupla red spotlights, my trusty old fog machine. It looked better than anyone would have thought! I dressed up as a zombie, and came lurching out of the back of the graveyard as people came up the walk. It was great! Most people were obviously a little creeped out, and I actually made one teenage girl scream, completely unexpectedly.

Good times, indeed.

Ha! That’s exactly what I thought after reading the article!

nice bren… very nice!

Good one, Bren! Those are some godawful puns, but I have to know what the gravestone in the back says.


One house we took the kids to this year had an L-shaped front, with the door in the elbow of the L. When the kids knocked, a guy in a werewolf costume jumped off the roof closest to the street, roared at the kids, then ran across to the house’s side yard and hopped over the fence. Scared the crap out of everyone, and a good scare for kids because nobody felt trapped or chased.

I can only read the Arnold one: I’ll Be Back. What do the others say?

Trudy Departed.

The gravestones read:

I.L. Beback
Theo Later
Trudy Departed
U.R. Dead
I.M. Rottin

Admittedly, most of 'em were ripped from names on gravestones around the Disneyworld Haunted Mansion.