Hand of Fate will crawl out of your computer as sure as Samara crawls out of a TV

So, can I be _that guy_ and say it looks weird to see so much color on the cards?
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://www.quartertothree.com/fp/2017/05/23/hand-fate-will-crawl-computer-sure-samara-crawls-tv/

I haven’t played the game but those cards look delicious.

If by weird you mean “so much better” then yes, it looks weird.

The title made me kind of hope you had found a game that worked great in VR :)

Looks like the expansion “stretch goals” are gonna be add-ons for $13 a pop? Hmmm. Initial enthusiasm: dampened.

The game is really cool, I love the mystical, dramatic dealer presentation. Thanks for putting this one on my radar Tom.