Happy Birthday Bill Dungsroman!

Have a good one, dewd.

I hope you have an Em to share this cake with >_>

I hope he’s not going to have trouble blowing out all those candles. What are you up to now, 50?

Happy Birthday!

IT’S ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE. No worries, though; I’m still older than you.

Happy motherfucking birthday!

Happy birthday, Bill. I have no image for you. Picture Alan Alda naked, instead.

Who’s that supposed to be, Angie? Burt Reynolds?

Oh, yes, and happy birthday, Bill!

I’m guessing Tom Selleck.

F#$ you you f%#($* p$R((@ for putting your personal business in the EE forum. You C$#( S##(@.

And Happy F$(%O(& birthday you M#(@)! F#($)#.

I fail at inlining this image

No love for me on my birthday. You sons of bitches.


Humble pie! Happy Birthday!

I vote to stake BillDungsroman

Happy Birthday Bill!

If life gets too tough, there are worse things than drowning in your own cake.

Happy B-day Bill!

In the immortal words of R. Kelly, “Oh shit!”

Happy Birthday old bean. Toodle pip!

Happy Birthday crotchety old bastard!

Here’s a birthday message in your original language: