Happy Birthday Tim Elh... or Bulha.. or... whatever

Happy Birthday Man Of Many QT3 Usernames!

Happy BDAY!!!

Happy birthday Tim!!

Pics of Tim’s birthday gathering at the local pub:

Haha! Seriously Tim, enjoy your birthday and have a frosty cold one (or two.) Tell the dog not to give you any flak when you walk him later.

I know what Tim wants for his birthday…

…A brand new car!

(seriously, go hang out on the set at Oprah – I hear everyone is getting one these days!)

Happy Birthday, Tim.

Happy Birthday, rollerskater.

All the best!
Here, have some cake :)

Happy birthday!

Aww. Thanks guys. Much appreciated.

yay! congrats on age++!

I got you some new kicks.

Happy birthday old dude.

Happy Belated Birthday :)