Happy Thanksgiving 2020!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Or at least for the Canadians. We usually do one of two things. Big dinner with my wife’s side of the family and we host my side of the family for another meal of too much food. The other choice is to blow off the family and take drive down Pennsylvania for the long weekend. It’s a lovely drive this time of year. Alas, the Canada / US border is closed and we have no intention of travelling in the US until this pandemic is done with. No family dinners either this year. I cooked a big meal for Saturday night and then dropped off a meal for my mom and my wife’s mom on Sunday morning. That’s what passes for a family get together this year unfortunately.

Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canucks. Enjoy some downtime, stay healthy, and stay safe.

Is Trump going to pardon the turkey? Best pardon.

I imagine that the thing most Canadians are giving thanks for is not being part of the United States.

But they almost were! At one point.

More to give thanks for. But really, the US was very inept at trying to take Canada. Which probably was a good thing. For Canadians especially. Sadly, the Mexicans were not so lucky in the 1840s.