So I’m a retired graphic designer. About four years ago I was diagnosed with type 2 biploar with a psychotic feature and had to quit my job. Now I do free work for friends just because I’m very good at what I do and I love it so much. If you want a free logo, fill out this application and I’ll do it for you in this thread:
Required:[INDENT]Name of Business:
Type of Business:
Describe your average customer in around 50 words or less:
Tell me all the places your logo is going to appear, and include a link to any website it may appear on:
Average cost to average customer of your product or service:
Describe your product or service in three descriptors (eg. “reliable” “wacky” “country-themed”): [/INDENT]Optional:[INDENT]Describe your ideal logo imagery:
Tell me your imaginary budget for this project (what you would have paid tells me how much work to put in):
Choose a font (describe the emotions elicited by it or provide an example of the font [camera phone img] and I’ll find it):
Choose a color scheme (I may try to override you but I’m very negotiable, and if you need help with a color scheme you can provide a picture of the color(s) you want and I’ll create a color scheme for you):
Provide your own art:
Any additional information you want to give:[/INDENT]Obviously because of my SSI requirements I can’t actually accept any money for these services, but if you feel like spotting me a tip that’s acceptable. I’ll PM you my paypal in that case, but the tip isn’t necessary. Also feel free to let friends who own businesses know I’m doing this. Just my way of giving back for all the tax money ;)
I’ll do… hm. Let’s say seven free logos. You don’t necessarily have to own a business to get one. For example earlier this year I did some signage for a guy’s truck door. Also I did a blog banner for another person and yet another person wanted a book cover for their fake book that they played Dungeons and Dragons and used as a prop. Use your imagination!
Haha. I eat breath and sleep logos and business cards. It’s just What I Do. If they told me I had to stop using Illustrator to make art I’d probably kill myself. I’m being literal here.
Yeah there’s no such thing as free. You people already pay/paid me with SSI ;) Might as well enjoy the benefits of my enthusiasm for my life’s works!
Yeah that’s a good description of this. The tips accepted bit is just to help people who have guilt over getting stuff for free. I’ve found that when I put my hat out it usually helps people get over that feeling because they think to themselves, well, SOMEONE is probably giving him money. I won’t give one whit of a care (and in fact prefer) if I get no money out of this. Really what I’m getting out of this is a kind of entertainment that only a graphic designer feels: Getting a design problem and solving it. It’s a lot like being a good mathematician and finding a new math problem to solve. It’s exhilarating. And everybody likes seeing an artist work.
Outside the spirit of the forum, huh? I can see that angle. Well just know that I do this kind of thing about once a year and it’s always a 1000+ views a day event. It’s kinda universal. I’ve noticed that everyone always likes it and I rarely get complaints like this one. Art is like magic for some people. Not everyone can draw, you know.
That’s nice. Maybe you should try soliciting in an art or website design related forum, rather than one that primary caters to gamers, game writers, and game designers.
You set up an account this month on this board, immediately throw your shingle out there, and start your spiel, looking for “tips”.
Judge for yourself when I start giving away free art. I do videogame logos all the time. Open Box Software is one of mine. The only reason I’m even on this forum lurking the snot out of it is because someone made a post about Dungeonmen: Men Of Dungeons. I’m primarily a video game fan. It just so happens I also like my ‘job.’
Some guy knocks on your door and offers a normally-expensive service for free if you’ll give him a bunch of personal information, you’re not gonna wonder what the scam is?
Seven logos should take around a month. I’ll even throw in a business card for anyone who wants one to match their new logo. You’ll also get the copyright and .eps file so you can take it to a t-shirt printer or another graphic designer to have it applied to all your business products.
Hahaha. I’m so glad I found this forum. Seriously, you guys make me laugh often. I just wish pages 7 through 150 of the I’m only going to talk in animated gifs thread didn’t suck so badly.
“So I may have mentioned in my introduction post that I’m building a portfolio. This portfolio needs to contain at least 1 door graphic (vinyl or hand-painted) on a truck or other vehicle. Since it’s something I need, I’m doing it for free. To determine who gets the free door graphic (both doors optional) I’ve created a questionnaire for applicants to fill out. Filling out the application does not mean you’re guaranteed the spot. To make sure the process goes to the end, I’m opening 3 spots for 3 lucky people. Remember that just because we design it doesn’t mean you HAVE to put it on your truck. I’m happy just 'shopping it on. The results are the same. Ultimately however I need permission to put the finished image in my portfolio to show around. I will include your name and the make/model of your truck along with any other details you wish to have included IF YOU CHOOSE. Or I can leave it anonymous. Up to you.”
This quoted thread is probably the most successful I’ve been at designing for free. The lies were almost perfect. I’ve since discovered that the truth is actually the only way to keep from being banned outright as I’ve tried to set this thing up in MANY more places and always get banned when I don’t tell the truth (the above quoted thread being the only exception, but I like to think the entertainment value there was what kept me from being banned.)