Hearthstone - Blizzard's F2P Digital Card Game

It’s kind of a goofy brawl, but it is fun to see what people come up with.

I got a golden Onyxia for my reward this week, which was also nice.

Frostbolt and ice lance works really well, too.

Coldlight Oracle + Naturalize. I’ve never had that much fun in a brawl.

These sorts of combinations are exactly why I hated this week’s brawl. Watching the other guy basically play solitaire.

Dust Devil + Rockbiter got me a turn 3 kill against that cheesy Hunter Mech deck everyone is playing.

IMO, the real fun of this brawl is trying to score a win with all sorts of silly combinations. Like Sorcerer’s Apprentice + Fireball = Pass 7 turns then one-shot your opponent.

Mana Wyrm + Arcane Missiles makes for a quick game. To get my druid quest wins, I threw together Addled Grizzly + Living Roots. That one was kind of fun, actually.

Still, yeah, probably my least favorite Brawl so far.

Innervate + Loatheb is pretty dumb. With the right draw they can’t play anything but hero spells until turn 6.

I found this brawl quite interesting but then I never replay brawls after I get my free pack. Took me 3 or 4 tries — interesting to see what solutions other players came up with.

I really enjoyed Raven Idol +Naturalize. Random everything + removal.

Unstable Portal + Effigy wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be.

My winning combo was pally, with the 1/1 divine shield minion and the weapon that buffs divine shielded minions. It was tight, though.

Loatheb + Thoughtsteal as a priest for me. The opponent often couldn’t cast and was replenishing my hand with his combos. Nice. :)


I had a lot of fun with Forbidden Ritual + Power Overwhelming.

This morning I get the annoying “watch a friend win a game” quest. I delete it and get “Win 5 Tavern Brawls” - ugh, of course, right after I post that this is my least favorite brawl so far, I get that quest. :)

I made a Lightwarden + Lightwell deck that turned out to be fun to play.

Watch a friend is the best. I’ll take an easy free pack any time.


I’m a bit of an Arena junky, so I prefer the gold quests. Plus, my list of Battlenet friends that play Hearthstone is relatively small. They’re more the WoW and Diablo 3 types.

This evolve shaman deck has been super fun and effective for me. It’s also cheap to build! Only has one epic which isn’t even critically important.

Evolving a Nerubian Prophet or a Thing From Below is usually insane value since they end up costing 3 mana or less and will morph into a 7 drop. Evolving a Fire Elemental is awesome too because it will get its battlecry off, maybe clear a smaller minion off the board, and then you evolve it and it’s now a beefy 7 drop at full health.

I highly recommend this for the current Tavern Brawn, if you want to run a hilariously effective priest deck:


It’s very satisfying to beat your opponent with their own combo. :)

I found this week’s brawl interesting but annoying. It really isn’t that much fun, as most of it would come down to… who goes second, to get the leg up with the bonus mana. and then it’s off to the races. Of those decks that weren’t of the IWIN mentality there were a few creative ones. Those, as much as they also pissed me off. Clearly had a little more thought put in to them, which made them enjoyable to play against.

I went with a http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/35190-shifter-zerus and http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/27211-jeweled-scarab
So I would be getting stuff, so my opponent wouldn’t know what to expect.
Interesting in theory, but ultimately pointless. As people had decks designed to take out the opponent ASAP. It didn’t matter really what someone put down on the board really at all.

Tried out a Brawl shaman deck with Tunnel Trogg + Evolve. Bit of a roll of the dice, but dang, it worked out well.

I ran into a Yogg-Saron Mage deck today, and it was a crazy battle. Won in the end, but it was largely due to my having put enough pressure on earlier that his Ice Block/Barrier secrets were all gone. With those out of the way, I only needed one Y-S effect to hit him, and that happened before the randomness got me. Whatever the outcome, Y-S endings are certainly memorable.