Help finding a video game hype video...

QTTers - I’m hoping someone can help me find the video in question or even the name of the video game. Unfortunately, most of my recollection on this is incredibly hazy.

The main point I recall was this was a live action hype video for some sort of survival video game. In the video, a female with a sniper rifle slung on her pack picks her way through various post apocalyptic scenes. In each, she appears to come across a recently killed person , presumably another player, and searches over them for anything useful to scavenge that was, again presumably, left behind by whoever or whatever killed them.

Eventually, it is revealed that she didn’t just come on these bodies - she killed them all.

It was pretty well packaged and produced video, and I remember being pretty excited for the game - but apparently not excited enough to remember the name or track its development.

That’s about all I definitely recall.

I think, but I might be making this part up, it ends with her in someone else’s sniper scope.

It was probably about 5 years ago, but could be older.

It might have been a kick starter campaign video… or then again, maybe it wasn’t.

Does this happen to ring any bells?

I hope it’s this.

@Telefrog - It is not, good sir. Noble effort.

Completely abandoned and a buggy unfinished mess that existed only to cash in on the DayZ craze. Be glad you saved your money.

@fox.ferro - this is it! You are a real wizard, Harry! Thanks.

PS The sniper looked a lot more like Sarah Palin in my faded memory.

@tomchick Looks like your type of jam.