Help with Dishonored (the first one!)

It’s a pretty short-term possession.

Some spoilers below!

[spoiler]Finished Dishonored. Like it a lot. Nice combination of a linear game with very open options to accomplish your goals. The advice here to “look up” was the game saver for me. Whenever I felt like the enemy forces were overwhelming (and I was trying to play kill as little as possible, ended with the low chaos endings) I could usually find a way “up” to get to where I needed to be, The last mission, the Lighthouse, at first made me think, OK, they are going to really throw it at me now, yards just filled with bad guys to get through, but I used maybe 5 sleep bolts and was able to sneak up and choke a few isolated guards, but really avoid most by staying up high. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to get the ending: no huge boss fight, in fact, it was very, very simple to rescue Emily once I got in the Lighthouse. I kept thinking, OK, when do the flood of bad guys show up?

I was also very surprised when I had the Lord Regent arrested (nice option!) and got back to the Hound’s Pit, expecting the game to be over, the double cross completely unexpected[/spoiler].

If I really liked Dishonored 1, is Dishonored 2 more of the same?

Yep, with some just incredible level design and a lot more of what D1 did, to boot. Highly recommended.

I really do want to play Dishonored 2 but I just can’t justify buying it right now, my backlog has grown unmanageable even by my standards.

Playing the two main DLC campaigns before starting D2. Are there reasons to try to play low chaos as there was in the main game, I.e. to get the “good” ending? Seems kinda out of character to play an assassin and try to stay low chaos.

The premise of the DLC is that Daud deeply regrets and is haunted by killing the Empress. So it would be a change for him, but narratively justified.

I murdered everyone, in both the main game and DLC, so I am not advocating the low chaos route. Just saying it makes some sense.

Ok thanks. I played low chaos (but not zero killing) as Corvo, in D2 I think I’ll play him as Rambo high chaos I’m tired of this s$$t and then play through as Emily on low. I’ll give Daud a try as low. Be interesting after spending so much time as Corvo adapting to a new character.

This was verbatim my reaction to the new stealth system on highest difficulty in D2. Seriously, what the fuck, I consider myself fairly proficient in these games but that was too much. It wasn’t even hard, it was tedious as shit. After about 15 reloads (spotted in under half a second lol) in a row I uninstalled in disgust.

Hmm. Daud trying low chaos, in the first mission, is pretty hard. Lots and lots of guards and butchers. I thought I’d gotten it down pretty well as Corvo, I pretty much aced the last mission of the game, but lots of reloads in the first mssion as Daud.

Yeah, I’ve stalled out on that a couple of times. Feels like the difficulty level was upped for stealthers.

Wow, my goal was low chaos for Daud, but on the first mission, once I got into the warehouse. there were just too many butchers and guards for the few sleep arrows I had, and too many close together to sneak up and choke out. I ended up using my regular bolts and my pistol for enough that when I ended the mission, it had me at High Chaos. Didn’t find any sleep bolts (found plenty of regular and pistol ammo.)

Hopefully the next missions will let me get it back down to low. I don’t know how I would have finished the first one at low. Just too many bad guys too close together. I may try it again.

Just finished the first DLC, Knife of Dunwall, and I’m really glad I resintalled and started playing the DLCs before starting D2. I replayed the first mission again, and this time completing it in low chaos was no problem.

For some reason some of the things in the cutscenes before the last mission made me go “what? where did that come from???” I’m glad I played low chaos, as I much preferred that ending to the one I read you get with high chaos. And i love that they don’t give you a last scene Boss Fight that is crazy hard compared to the rest of the game.

One question though: In all three missions, I did not kill a single person. Yet in the conclusion to all three, it showed something like 6 or 7 hostiles killed. Where did that come from? In most of these locations I didn’t see packs of rats running around to eat the sleeping bodies.

Eager to start the last DLC and then on to D2.

Finished the second DLC, Great stuff. I was in a rush to finish it (long story) so I referred to a Wiki/walkthrough - I don’t think I would have figured out the “easy” way to finish off the last mission without fighting Deliah without that walkthough (but it was really easy, and satisfying to finish it without combat.)

Now on to D2!