Here's a Scary State Dept. for a Second Bush Term

Yeah, its too bad. She was cute.

And dumb. Don’t want to marry that combo, but it is interesting… ;)

Clark for Vice President? Hell no.

Clark for President. The lengthy profile on him in the current issue of ESQUIRE magazine is electrifying, and makes it seem anyway like the issue isn’t “whether” Clark will announce for the Presidency, but “when”.

Remember, the last Democrat to beat a Bush in a general election didn’t declare until October of the preceding year. Wesley has time, and I’d be willing to bet that he’ll be able to galvanize support pretty heavily for those of us who consider Dean unelectable.

Clark’s pretty cool. My preference list is Dean/Clark/Edwards/Kerry.

Not to hijack the thread or anything, but do you really think Dean can win? Because from my point of view, the most important thing is getting Bush the heck out of there before he causes any more damage. And I’m ready to vote for just about any Democrat (except for maybe Gephart) who can get Bush out of there.

If Dean can’t win the election, then supporting him now is a mistake.

Not to hijack the thread or anything, but do you really think Dean can win? Because from my point of view, the most important thing is getting Bush the heck out of there before he causes any more damage. And I’m ready to vote for just about any Democrat (except for maybe Gephart) who can get Bush out of there.

If Dean can’t win the election, then supporting him now is a mistake.[/quote]

I think Dean can win. He’s not a McGovern by any means, despite some people saying that. If you look at his positions he’s not a tax-and-spend democrat (or tax-cut and and spend Republican). He’s been painted at his ridiculous left winger, and that’s just not true.

There’s also an interesting theory making its way around political circles that actual independents are a tiny percentage of the electorate anymore, and that now its all about getting your “base” fired up as much as possible. By independents, I mean people who actually vote for both parties often. Almost everyone who answers “independent” votes for one party 90% of the time, apparently.

In that scenario, Dean would be the best nominee. Dunno.[/list]

The stats and analysis I’ve seen says that you have a group that will always vote Republican and a group that will always vote Democratic, and that makes up about 80% of those who vote. There’s a relatively small group, about 20%, who actually swing their vote depending upon who’s running. And they typically are the ones who make the difference (note that no one every wins by 30 or 40%.)

Yeah, but I’ve been seeing noises lately that the proportion of real independents that actually votes is down to 7% of the votes cast on election day.

One bit of evidence for this is that Bush isn’t even remotely playing the moderate.

I’m going to drag this thread kicking and screaming back on topic for just a second.

The bit about Armitage leaving in 2005 is apparently completely bogus. The AM station I always listen to replayed a portion of Sean Hannity’s show where he interviewed Armitage about this “news”… the guy seemed pretty confused about how the story was accepted as fact when he says he has no intentions of leaving. He also says that it’s not a certainty that Powell is leaving, although others apparently insist that he never planned on STAYING for more than one term, so who knows on that score.