Here's why you won't get any achievements in the PC version of Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Title Here's why you won't get any achievements in the PC version of Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Author Nick Diamon
Posted in News
When November 13, 2020

Ubisoft may be dropping achievements from its PC games. Astute cheevo-hunters noticed that Assassin's Creed Valhalla is missing achievements in the PC version. According to Ubisoft, this is an intended feature of the game..

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I couldn’t care less about achievements but the big Connect notification you get in Watch Dogs is kind of immersion breaking. Couldn’t it be themed some way?

Well, it evens out because I care enough for both of us! :) Or maybe not because I wouldn’t even have noticed there were no achievements if Nick hadn’t posted this.

Thanks Obama Nick.


Yeah, I’d much rather have achievements, thanks.

It should be noted that the challenges are not the same as the achievements on console. There are 50 console achievements. There are 31 Ubisoft Connect challenges.

This excuse explanation does not hold water.

I don’t really care one way or another about achievements, but I absolutely cannot stomach Uplay, a service I often have had trouble connecting to even if my Steam connection is rock-solid. The insistence that I need to connect to games through it are sufficient to steer me well away from anything Ubisoft.

Don’t care about achievements, but I am glad they finally added that statistics screen to Valhalla uplay, so playtime tracking and all that is back in.

Now they’re saying it was unintentional, and achievements are coming back.

That’s some hardcore backpedaling.

Heh, well their explanations sounded fresh off a pile of you know what.

I don’t usually care about achievements, but I don’t consider lying about them to be really okay.

Uplay has its faults but its challenges are straight up achievements. There’s no real distinction.

They’ve been very different (and challenges a lot less compelling) to date. There’s not technically a reason they couldn’t make challenges for the things they’ve made achievements for in the past, I suppose.

If you look at my post above, you’ll see that they’re NOT the same at all. Neither in quantity nor the specific tasks.