Heroes of the Storm, formerly Blizzard All-Stars, formerly DOTA

Just tested in try mode- she does 950 dps auto attacks in melee range at level 20 at full charge (which is much easier to achieve now). Does anyone in the game top that?

Here’s the stats from that game, about 22minutes.

Glad to hear she’s better. I guess the slow on the degrade (which I sort of missed) is making a difference.

Zarya at #1 on hotslog with 60% win rate and here comes the second hotfix:

Energy (Trait)
Energy decay rate increased from 1.5 to 2.5 per second

Hehe. So 0.5 less than what she premiered at (3 -> 1.5 -> 2.5).

Latest trailer for Heroes Brawl:

Brawl looks fantastic. I’m always amazed at how much I’ve played this game, considering I really don’t like the genre or competitiveness.

Another stealth hero. Just what qm needed :\

At least his kit sounds awesome and hard. I’m excited to see what kind of crazy things are possible.

The Scarecrow Xul skin and its themed abilities are sick! Well done, Blizzard! I’d also love to own the Deputy Valla skin!

I think Personal Rank Adjustment is making me want to quit.

Getting -15 to -25 every match just because is silly. I had literally one bad night where every team was derptastic and the game went from +20 a match to -20 a match. If you manage to break even you just slowly fall in rank.

I don’t even really care about the rank, but once you start getting gold players the game really becomes annoying. They don’t draft for crap (I’m playing Illidan no matter what!!!) and they’re terrible at almost all the mechanics. Then they blame everyone else because they dove 1v4 into ETC and Uther and died. Supports never take cleanse, so the CC train just ruins you. Then next match you do it to someone else because of the same reasons.

Plus the MMR:skill ratio at certain times is insane. Weekend? Everyone is secretly like half the MMR the game thinks they are because the only play on weekends. Week days at prime time. Nearly the same thing. There is like a window where you can get good matches, otherwise you’re playing Russian Roulette.


New Heroes Brawl:

This week’s brawl is Hammer Time! An explosive twist on a typical match, Hammer Time lets you call down the thunder and claim Belltowers on Towers of Doom with 10 Sgt. Hammers. Oh and by the way, Thrusters are permanently active for all players. Have fun!


This week’s brawl is Lost Cavern! It’s all random all the time on our single-lane battleground – Lost Cavern. Queue up, receive a random Hero, and try to best to bring down the enemy Core!


  • Queue up and receive a random Hero to battle it out on Lost Cavern!
  • Standard play - No talent or level restrictions.
  • The first team to destroy the enemy Core wins!

Sign me up!

Lost cavern ARAM’s are a blast. I played it exclusively during that PTR way back when, but afterwards I never could get a full lobby.

I haven’t been paying attention- are these things usually released on Fridays or is this a blizzcon thing?

I believe that’s correct. There’s a new one every week with each brawl rewarding a brawl-themed portrait and 1k gold for playing it three times.

Additional info on Lost Cavern:

  • Hearthstones are disabled and starting area doesn’t regenerate health
  • Globe generators spawn regeneration globes on the battlefield

To battle!