From the Department of Hilarous Miscastings, Elijah Wood is playing Iggy Pop in an upcoming biopic about Mr. Pop, entitled [I]The Passenger.
[/I]I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry. I suppose I could stomach it if it were about post-Stooges Iggy, but I just don’t see fey-ass Woods being convincing as a Stooges-era Iggy Pop.
BTW… what’s up with all the talk of “I just can’t see X actor in this role?” If they’re decent actors then they’re able to change who they are. I mean… that’s what an actor does. Good ones, anyways.
Actors are limited by their physicality. It’s like casting Christopher Walken as Santa Claus. Even if you gave him a fat suit and a beard, his voice would hilariously destroy the illusion. Yes, I’m aware there are voice actors, but many actors don’t have that range.