Hey Old-Timers...browsing old pc hardware bookmarks...

I was the second-most prolific commenter at Stomped.com for a while, and the first time I really got into Tool was when someone shared a link in those comments to a leaked copy of Lateralus.

Wait wait wait… there are sites on the internet beyond QT3?! I’m pretty sure you’re all lying, but I’m scared to look.

I remember that. I think he was on liver transplant list but didn’t make it. Or maybe he was refused one, I don’t quite remember, but he did an important amount of educating people on the dangers over-medicating.

Tom’s Hardware is still around, but their site is a mess depending on the device used to browse it. The site often plays the “how many ads can we cram on your screen at a time” game. Multiple auto-play video ads, and tons more.