House V

Yeah definitely. Also, maybe I just haven’t been paying attention to her little scenes this season, but in this episode, even early on, I found her more attractive than usual. Something looked different about her, and I couldn’t figure it out. It wasn’t the blonde hair, she’s had that for a long time now. I don’t know what it was. Am I alone in this insanity?

The scuttlebutt is that she broke up with Aussie McGee whose name I can never remember - maybe because she’s available again?

Jesse Spencer. And that happened nearly two years ago.

Huh. Well then I dunno, then. I thought that was more recent, but most of my news outlets - with the exception of that damned Ausiello, and I generally refuse to read his stuff on principle - don’t bother covering the show.

I wish Fox would stop holding House episodes for ransom on fucking Hulu. I only saw the Kutner suicide episode last night, but had known about it for a week thanks to all those sites I read that focus on giving spoilers. Like CNN. Fuck. Does Fox think that this encourages me to watch the show? Cos it doesn’t. I like watching stuff in order, so if I miss an episode and they hold it hostage until after the next week’s episode airs, it just means I won’t be watching next week’s episode on TV either. More likely I’ll just say fuckit, watch Chuck and wait a month to watch episodes of House on Hulu on a Saturday afternoon when I have three hours to blow.

Hahah. Wouldn’t it be awesome if Kutner’s permanent replacement on the cast was Chip-CTB?

I wish Fox would stop holding House episodes for ransom on fucking Hulu

Hell, even for broadcast Fox is eff’ing us. For the past few months House has been “New Episode”, " Repeat", “Repeat”, “New Episode”, “New Episode”, “Repeat”, etc…

Has Fox forgotten about this whole ‘Season’ thing?

Missed a recent episode (“Locked In”) so caught up by downloading it from Xbox Live. Strangely, the Massive Attack theme music is missing from the downloaded version, replaced by a different, unidentified, theme. Anyone know what the deal is with this? I’m guessing it’s some kind of licensing issue as apparently the theme music is different for overseas broadcasts too.

Licensing issues for Teardrop… Some countries like where I live (Israel) settle for some generic theme music instead.

Seriously! Tonight we get a new episode of Bones. Not that I don’t love Bones, but that’s supposed to be a Thursday night thing (though last week it was Wednesday and Thursday). What’s going on here?

Fox is jacking around with their entire Summer schedule. I believe this is blowback from that offensive. This isn’t really a new behavior for them, either.

It’s not lupus. Today only.

That is really quite hideous.

I would’ve bought that if House didn’t look like he got some flesh-eating disease into his lupus.

Last night’s episode…what the hell? I was really hoping that “head Amber” would just be a hallucination born of House’s fatigue and go away after he got some rest and let Kuttner go a little. But no, she’s apparently a cylon implant. Fantastic. How insane will House have to become befor the hospital finally fires him? Guess we’ll find out.

The bachelor party was funny, especially Wilson and the Foreman/Thirteen stuff (“I paid fifty bucks for this!”) . C’mon though, there is no way that stripper was at a bachelor party for Wilson 9 years ago.

I’m not sure where they’re going with the ending to this season (only 2 episodes left) but I’m not sure I like it. We’ve seen House spiral out of control then bounce back to near-normalcy shortly thereafter one too many times already.

Amber Six! Yay!

It appears that House has absorbed, Sylar-like, the short-lived Raines.

I thought that was the best episode of the season. The central conceit didn’t bother me, but I consider most anything that breaks the show out of its formula, even just a little bit, to be a good thing.

Raines was really good. I was sad to see it go.

Amberghost was a cheap enough idea the first time she appeared; this is just milking that idea. With that in mind, they did a reasonably good job of making things at least funny. God help the show if this carries over into the next season, though.