Check out Hillary’s arrival at the State Department.
All I see are hundreds of suckups trying to kiss the ass of the new boss.
Enh. Possibly. But the Bush administration really undermined the hell out of the State Department, and Obama has made it clear he thinks there’s more to diplomacy than dropping cluster bombs on kids. So I suspect the enthusiasm is more real than you might expect.
How many people resigned under Bush anyway? Googling “bush resign” yields too many results.
Colin Powell (State)
Whitman (EPA)
Probably, but the image just struck me as funny. (yes, I was being snarky) Would you want to work for Hillary??
You should learn to recognize what happiness and relief look like…
I’m sure it won’t be quite as rosy as they imagine it will be, but it’s clearly a new day for those folks.
Yes. No doubt about it. Why wouldn’t you?
IIRC, Powell got a pretty warm welcome too, which lasted until everyone realized just how hamstrung he was…
She didn’t run the tightest ship during her presidential campaign.
Agreed, also I suspect that working for a Clinton is a very different prospect from working in the rest of the Obama administration.
That’s what I’m interested in seeing the most during the early years. Clinton and Obama are closer in Democratic Ideals than a Clinton Vs McCain relationship. But yet I still see a Jefferson Vs Jackson style Democratic disagreement in the near future ( just IMHO ) .
In fact, I’m of the opinion that we NEED such a xenophobic vs idealistic argument in the near future to determine… well, our future.
I know if I were working in the State Department Travel Office I’d be looking for another job.
The good news is they are always looking for Fort Marcy Park Rangers, I hear.
Probably could’ve scaled that one down.
But then we wouldn’t have noticed her fillings…
Fillings? I can see her tonsils.
She really needs lazer beams shooting out of her eyes or something.
White House Press Secretary: Scott McClellan
Evil Puppetteer: Karl Rove
Chief of Staff: ;Andrew Card
FEMA Director: Michael Brown
Writer & Editor NASA public affairs: George C. Deutsch
White House Faith Czar : James Towey
Paul O’Neil
Richard Clarke
there are a few of the big ones that resigned.