Personally, I think the white devil owes the black man something for his trouble… like a lifetime supply of 30-day AOL cds.
“Git mah brothers on the NET and only then shall they be FREE!*”
- Major credit card required.
Honestly, folks… I think it’s stupid shit like this latest stunt (and that big “Affirmative Action” fiasco) that keep the brother man down. It gives us honkeys a nice juicy target to point a finger at and say “see… those fuckers just want to take our shit, our jobs, and breed the white man out of existence.”
Of course, this works both ways… because you do get some attitudes on either side of the fence. Go down to your local mall some time. Now, people all realize there are educated, professional, downright nice folks out there who just happen to be of a higher melanin content in their skin. Does that make you different? Nope. However, the manner in which you conduct yourself, and the values you hold and act upon publicly certainly do. So, next time you see a member of “The Bling-Bling Gangsta Posse” please take a moment to remind him of the disservice that he is doing to his self, community, and race. Be ready to run.
That being said, I do find it somewhat excusable for black people to have certain differing “ethnic standards”. However, there is absolutely no tolerance in my heart for the true evil in today’s society… the wigger. Yes, those skinny white pukes who would be a respectable nerd except that instead of buying computer hardware they got a dose of stupid and instead invest in black underbody neon and giant tail wings on their honda civics. Seriously, folks, does anybody here think that a Cessna wing looks fashionable dominating the rear third of a japanese rollerskate? Can the shit fly? Does the shit go ANY faster with that hoopie contraption bolted to the back? Do the bitchez find them irresistable in their Bling-Wing Riceburner 2000? With the red “R” decal applied, of course.
God dammit, I think we should pay the black man $5 every time some suburban honkafella bratt drives past him on the street. In fact, I think he should beat that $5 out of his skinny white Tommy Jeans wearing ass. After that, slap his anorexic pierced belly Abercrombie shirt wearing ho on her ass and make her drive her boyfriend home to his SUV driving soccer mommy.
What the heck ever happened to the black gentleman’s sense of style? Where IS the black gentleman anyway these days? It’s not that he isn’t around… it’s just that this oxygen thieving trash is so much more visible that they obscure the view of the traditional values of the american of african descent. I say bring back the Caddilac. Bring back the alligator shoes and the pinky ring. The green and gold dinner jacket, made so famous by Bishop Don Magic Juan. Black people look GOOD in that shit. It’s no lie. They pull off pimp threads with STYLE, and look damn classy doing it.
So, if we have to give them money, then by god lets at least politely ask that they spend it on the stuff that WORKED for them in the past.
- PS - I am not the white satan. If this offended anybody, it’s clearly because they aren’t down with true pimpology - and quite possibly are a closet wigger.