So I was at Hooters last night for a couple of beers and dude at the table next to me was with some friends. They took up around $50 and challenged him to eat 50 chicken wings in one hour. Now he got them hot, all drumsticks and breaded, so he must have been pretty sure of himself. We watched him struggle. At about 25, he started walking around (and yes, the retelling of Cool Hand Luke stories had already commenced). Once he came back to the table, I had quit looking over there. A couple of guys I was with said looking at him was starting to make them uncomfortable because he did not look like he was going to make it. With 6 minutes to go, he stilll had what was determined to by 18 wings left. He rushed outside with a napkin in hand and over his mouth. Damned if the bastard did not lose them TWICE (well, technically, he proabaly lost ~16 each time) right in the parking lot outside the front door. There was grass around and a bathroom, ya know. 32?!?! WEEEEEAK!
Anyway, one guy at my table said he could do it if all he drank was water and got them “naked” (no breading). We challenged him and even offered to give him a few weeks for training and he refused, so we gave him shit.
I have eaten 20 on a few occasions and have been pretty full to where I think I usually just stuff the last couple in. I could probably eat 25 before I gave up on any bet that was made and said, “Keep your damn money, this ain’t worth it.” Of course, I want to enjoy my dining out so I probably have never been bored enough to undertake such an eating competition.
Curious as to how many you all might have eaten or think you could if rewarded sufficiently.
No more than eight or nine for me, I only crave them two or three times a year.
Oh, on a bet I might be able to eat twenty, but I don’t like to eat until I’m stuffed, I usually eat just enough to not be hungry anymore. This lack of training would be a severe handicap in an eating contest.
But they are so tasty and fun to dig into. Buffalo Wild Wings on $.025 Tuesday. Mmmmm. You look at them and thing, well there is not much meat there, but around about #15, you reallize your error. 15 is proably the max where I enjoy them, but for tweny-fi cent, I figure better safe than sorry.
EDIT: BTW, they gave the guy a dolllar for everyone he ate after he was done. Boo that! All or nothin’ baby! He did not take the leftovers home.
I wouldn’t try this at Hooters because I think their food is disgusting… but I’m almost positive that I could down at least 30. I’ve done 20+ without flinching. Let me get nice and hungry, gimme a beer and it’s on.
BW^3’s got a legs day where you can get their legs on the cheap, too. 'Cept they aren’t drummies. They’re freaking huge-ass chicken legs, slathered in sauce. It’s good, but way too easy to discover that your eyes are way bigger than your stomach.
As to the original post, getting hot wings at Hooters is not much of a feat. Hooters’ hottest wings (Five Alarm? Two Mile Island? Something cutesy) is about as hot as most place’s mild. I’m kind of a Sally Sensitive priss when it comes to spice, I don’t go much hotter than the medium at BW^3, and getting the top heat at Hooters doesn’t bother me at all.
I’m sure at some point in my obese life I put down 20+ chinese chicken wings without thinking about it. The thought of that now makes me ill. And hungry. Fuck.
I know I’ve done at least 30, but that was through one of those Pizza 73 box-o-40-wings deals, and they’re fairly dry, non-spicy, and probably less meaty than ‘proper’ wings. I can easily do a dozen of the ones from the local deli, so I’d guess maybe 20-25 overall.
I used to go every weekend with a buddy and his then girlfriend (who is now my wife…) to hooters and split a order of 50 wings with him. I was very very full afterward, and that was like 10 years ago.
I’ve done 45. I was sick that night, but I only threw up once, and it wasn’t so much as a real throw up as it was a retching up bile as my body tried to expel the hunk of chicken and hotsauce that sat in my stomach.
With ample time to plan (2-3 days minimum), I could probably pull off 50, as long as there was a drink. Also, hot and breaded are fine with me.
So I just said to my cute 5’2" co-worker, that I do not know why any female would engage in such a thing. She said she would do it just to prove me wrong. She is spunky like that. She is of the appropriate weight for her height and says she could eat 35. I said I would give her $50 if she did. Now all I need to do is come up with something she has to give me if she does not do it…
A couple months ago, I went to an all-you-can-eat-wings night at a local family chain (Kelsey’s for you Canadians). The waitress, a cute, zuftig young thing threw down the gauntlet with her claim to 30 wings herself. My kids challenged me to beat it.
I had no choice.
I did 31, then called it quits. I probably could have done 5 or 6 more… but I was really getting near my max at 31.
Correct, but I am also still a filthy, perv-y married man. My wife is fully aware of this fact, however, and I have not giver her reason to suspect me of anything untoward. Well, almost nothing.
Is BWW good where you are? The one near where we live cooks the ever-loving SHIT out of their wings, leaving behind a chewy, bony husk with tough skin and little meat. Ugh. But I went to a newer store early Sunday afternoon, and they were great.