How much time do you give a game before uninstalling?

I’m gonna quote someone from another thread for a game I’m struggling with (has been heroes) that I’ve just started, but only put an hour or so into, and am currently failing massively at.

I’m planning on struggling a bit longer with this because it certainly looks fun, but I’m just awful at it.

That said, it’s funny how I feel like I don’t have the attention span I used to. The Chick parabola is all about learning game systems, where the enjoyment is in learning the system and getting better at the game (and you travel back down the other side of the parabola as you understand how to abuse those systems enough to make a game overly trivial.) Quitting early in some cases is just not investing the time necessary to understand a game’s systems…and in other cases it’s learning a game just doesn’t have fun/interesting systems in the first place.