How much time do you give a game before uninstalling?

Hmm. I didn’t take into consideration actual game reviewers paid to review games (QT3: Duh!), games received in dirt-cheap bundles, and/or technically deficient games.

Game reviewers of course have their own set of rules.

For myself, games not really desired, but included in bundles I’ve purchased: I don’t categorize them the same as games I’ve truly wanted to play and purchased . These I’ll give much less time to grab me, although it can vary greatly, and I personally have no real “rule” on them. I install every game I ever purchase very soon after purchase, and try to start it. Sometimes, they do not start, and that’s an instant uninstalled, forever ignored game. If they install and seem to be playable, I’ll usually uninstall and backlog them until I find the time (haha) to play them.

Games that simply “don’t work” upon startup I also do not include in my 3-hour-max criteria. If I simply can’t play the game, I uninstall immediately. But, that doesn’t really count as a game I tried to get into, but found it lacking. It’s just an unplayable game.

I should insert the caveat, 20 seconds of actual gameplay. You must build a boat was easily 20 seconds or less, maybe 10.

I’ve uninstalled/refunded a few games in less than 30 minutes just because playing them they immediately just felt… bad to play. It’s so weird to describe, but you know how every Blizzard game feels “right” to play even if you dislike the genre? Like Overwatch feels fun to play and like a good FPS, even though I don’t play FPS and have no interest in Overwatch, I still tried it during a free weekend and I get why people are into it. I get it, it feels right. Well anyways, that feeling, but the opposite. Those kind of games get uninstalled right away.

Anywhere from ten minutes to an hour. If I don’t feel any fun within that time, it’s gone… I might go a little longer if I am playing with someone. If there is horrific voice acting, I’ll be lucky if I can go a full ten minutes before wanting to stab my ear with a pencil, and it’s uninstalled.