How the Hell Did We Not Have a Hacks Thread?

I’m so happy Season 3 is near. I was going to share the trailer on the Hacks thread, but WE DON’T HAVE ONE? That had to be rectified.

Thank you for this Hacks thread! I love this show. That video still is perfect. :D

Hell yes. Wasn’t sure if this was coming back.


I thought that we did have a thread!

Excited for this to come back, and super happy that Jean Smart was able to recover from her health issue that delayed this season a bit. She is healthy and we got just about a month to wait!

Happy this is coming back.

Haha, this is such a great show. I love this little exchange from the end of the trailer:

What are they called now?
Don’t say they.
I thought everybody was they!
No, that’s a different thing.

Hacks, the show that’s so good even Zaslav won’t kill it!

I super enjoyed Seasons 1 + 2. It’ll be great to see where they go from here! It’s a nice surprise that it’s coming back so soon - I think I got used to the idea that many shows would be gone for a long long time due to the strikes.

I really really enjoyed Season 1. Unfortunately, I didn’t get around to Season 2 yet. I watched the first episode of Season 2, it was great, but then it was airing weekly at the time and I got busy and forgot to go back for the rest of Season 2, so I’m very grateful for this thread! Thank you for the reminder!

It’s here!!!

This show hasn’t lost a step.

Really excited to learn today that it’s two episodes a week.

Real strong Entourage-at-its-best vibes so far this season.

This show deserves so much more love and attention. I love how sharply written and heartfelt it is.

And they finally explained the show’s title in the latest episode :)

We’re three episodes into season 3 and loving it as much as ever.

Well, it is a bit of a callback to what Hannah said in the first episode. But I thought that moment was really nice, and showed how much they both have grown as people.

Season finale next week. Only 9 episodes this season, so just one left.


Working through season 3 and the wife and I just love this show. I’m so glad I saw this thread and decided to check the show out.

On another note, we just caught the episode with Christina Hendricks’ quick role. I have no idea how that woman walks around without simply toppling over. Jebus…

Oh, thank god they’ve renewed this for season 4. I’d have been pissed if not. What a cool way to end and setup next season.