How to best solve a scratched MP3 player faceplate

So, I recently found a good deal on a Sansa Fuze to bring back from the U.S. to South America. This titbit is important, since I can’t very well return it to that Best Buy in the Carolinas anymore – didn’t buy that fancy warranty (goddamnit).

See, I scratched it. It’s one of those ‘sanding’ type scratches you sometimes see on CDs, and it’s right across the clear LCD faceplate. Some websites suggest using the same type of polish used to repair discs, but I don’t know how closely that’d repair the damage.

Further inquiries on any sort of warranty from Sandisk itself has yielded nothing. Any suggestions?


The covering is plastic, I believe, and there are products made for this sorta thing, for example.

And yeah it’s the same stuff you would use to clean a CD, since CD scratches are really just scratches in the plastic covering. The “cleaner” fills those scratches and “removes” the light-refracting edges of the scratch.

The damage is permanent, though. If it’s deep enough, any repair product will make the scratches lighter and more translucent, which is the best that you can do.

Toothpaste or car wax are the two household items that might fix it without spending anything. Neither should harm it, either, so no harm in trying. Of course, I’m just a random dude on the Interent without a law, medical, or engineering degree, so this may actually fuck everything up. But I doubt it.

Plastic polish and elbow grease. They sloooooowly reduce the scratches to nothing. I’ve removed countless iPod scratches with the stuff, some were pretty deep.

Now to find an equivalent product in this land of heathens.
