How to report a commenter on Youtube for Nazi rhetoric?

I want him banned. The stuff he’s saying is atrocious, but I can’t find a way to report a user for specific discussions. Is this possible?

The flag button right below the video.

Does that flag the video though or a comment? I need to flag him for his comments.

Click the dots next to the comment.

How is it you can figure out complicated games and modding, but you can’t figure out YouTube’s interface? :-P

Don’t we already have a PewDiePie thread?

That hits home because it is true! I hate social media apps and programs. They just don’t mesh with my brain so I rarely ever use them.

And to reinforce that, I’m looking all over going, "Where the heck are these dots next to his comments?! They aren’t there. Do I have a different version of YouTube? Then as I move my mouse to frustratingly exit the screen I just happen to pass over the comment and the dots come out of the shadows. Any way to make them always be there? I fear I will forget this lol.

No it’s the new UX now: create as much useless space as possible and hide everything in ‘meat’ menus. In some cases hide those menus until you roll over them.

My favourite recent change is hiding the wishlist button in the ‘kebab’ menu on the Google Play Store when it used to be neatly positioned right next to the buy/install button. It’s all bollocks.

Yep, Google sucks at interfaces. I deleted the YouTube iOS app in disgust because it is a pain in the butt and missing features. But there is a recent trend of making the web UI as bad possible to force people to use their apps, so the web UI on a touch platform is difficult to use. The less Google products in my life, the better.

Saw this earlier in the week:

I laughed, but those are probably the actual names of the damned things. And everything must keep changing every 6 months, so much for the intuitiveness of mobile. Which was marketing nonsense from the start.

The hamburger menu is definitely the more or less official title, if nothing else.

Goddamn I hate modern web design. Giant content-poor blocks swimming an infinite sea of whitespace.

. . .

He says, typing into a Discourse forum :(

The worst, the worst, by far the worst, are touch centered designs that have no skeuomorphic cues. Like, you have to swipe this way or that way, and this thing happens. HOW COULD YOU KNOW (unless you’re 17?). There was something a few months ago i bumped into like that… can’t remember which app it was for, but it was impossible to do something unless you swiped, with no cue that you needed to swipe.

Snapchat is the by now classic and well-aged example of “Batshit insane UI designed specifically to make you feel old if you’re not young enough to have absorbed its absurdities via osmosis from your high school peers.”

I get that you don’t have a ton of space on mobile. I get that traditional web and application design wasn’t very artistic. But it worked, didn’t get in your way, was discoverable, presented you with plenty of content/options immediately, was fairly consistent and constant, and let you do a lot more than you can now.
I can’t wait for designers to get back to functional design again so I don’t have to keep learning how every single app/website is a special snowflake. Hell, it’s preventing me from trying their shiny new stuff because I just can’t be bothered to care about their interface.

I am so glad to know I’m not the only one who feels this way. I really felt like I was a drop on the ocean here.

I know that hamburger, kebab, and meatball are indeed the “official” names of those menus.

At work we have meatball menus, but we call them the “dotty menus”

I really hate all this hiding crap in menus which is all the rage.

I remember when all the text formatting buttons used to be right there above your email while you typed it in Gmail, then they went and nested most of that stuff into a few buttons at the bottom so you have to click to open up a panel (that gets in the way of your email) each time you want to merely embolden, italicise, underline something etc. It’s so stupid.

There you go, a commensurate amount of effort!

58 million?
@jpinard, you’ve been busy!