I am a total loser

9,000 instances of penis jokes, cuss words, homophobia, RPG OCD, and general asshattery. Sad. Me, McCullough, extarbags and anyone with that many posts should be lined up against a wall and shot. I’m sure Spoofy would volunteer to do it.

See you at 18,000! HYUCK HYUCK.

Man, anyone with more than say 5k posts on qt3 is a total fuckface.

Bookmarked for near-future quoting.


Sorry, can’t help it. What with me being a total fuckface and all. ;)

Must… not… reply… to… fuckface!

Every post you make gets you closer to self said fuckfacery, Stroker.

That’s it, I’m switching to PMs.

I love how as of this posting the low post-count guy in this thread is El Guapo with his measly 3345.

We all have too much free time and not enough to do with it.

Real low-post-count-ers don’t qt3 during business hours, I guess. Especially not in threads with meaningless titles like this one.

That, and I rather like reading what people have to say.

And I’m not an industry insider.

And I’m usually late when it comes to new news, besides the Catan/Carcassone thing.

And, I’ve got school.

That and your account is only a year old. Your posts per day is pretty close to mine - 2.26 vs 2.79.

I only post when I have something super important to say that will change people’s lives. Also, notice how Guapo and I joined at the same time and are within 15 posts of each other.


Nice mindfuck, Flowers. Now we have to analyze your post all day :(

I really have that many?

There are entire days I go without posting…

I’d also probably have more, but when I joined I secluded myself to the Gaming threads. And, Whats even more surprising, I activated my account WAY later than I actually signed up.

Every post here is a minute or ten we weren’t in a hot tub with a 20 year old.


Yeah, posts per day is a far more interesting statistic.

All you guys are losers. Actually, you’re all ultra-losers because you’re talking about what losers you are on a internet message board devoted to geekery.

Go outside! Exercise! Meet women!

I’ve heard that exercise can cure loserdom, so I’m going to have to agree with Post-It.

whatever. jerks.

also, i heard jpinard is dead. any trewth?