I can honestly say... (The Guilty Gear X2 #Reload Thread)

Kliff and Justice need to be unlocked again, Robo-Ky is now a standard character. He’s completely different from the X2 version.

Guilty Gear now sits near my Xbox. Should we try to get a Live list together for opponents? I know I have trouble finding good Full Spectrum Warrior partners. It’d be great to rectify this with GG, especially given the number of evil 12 year olds who could kick my ass.

Cathcart, find me online. I’ll give you more than ample opportunity to revenge your NFL 2k5 loss. I haven’t played a 2d fighter in years (GG for the Dreamcast was likely the last one).

It took me about twenty minutes to unlock Kliff in Survival Mode. I unlocked EX Jam, with her hcf + P fullscreen instant fireball, and cheated my way to glory.

If I hadn’t had an unfortunate run-in with Black Slayer on level 99, I’d’ve unlocked Justice, too.

You guys: please try it on Live and tell me if it lags. Seriously… this is a $200 game for me, so I have to be sure!

I played two separate people – some random guy on Live and Cathcart – and I ran into literally zero lag. It was like Cathcart was sitting in my living room. Hey, stop eating my chips.

In both cases, I played about 5 or 6 matches. They played wonderfully. Now, all I need to do is actually get good at the game.

Ok fine. Screw those lag reports then, I guess… I still want an Xbox.

Yea, I just spent a good hour playing random people online myself and it’s been humming along quite nicely. Some folks on other forums are complaining about hiccups and delay issues, but I just haven’t seen it.

Voice chat responds very well also, no drop-outs or cut-offs as I have witnessed.

I just got done playing. With Mike and another random guy, it was fine. No discernable lag. With a guy from Arizona, there was lag. It was bad enough that I took a few losses and called it quits with that one. So basically, if you play with people with the “Excellent” signal rating and/or those that live closer to you, it should be a-ok.

You’ve got at least three of us to fight against. :)

Also, figure that you can pick up other Live games for your Xbox if you get one. You’ll probably want Street Fighter Anniversary Collection in January. Dead or Alive Ultimate might be fun too. And then there’s the regular Live stuff too.

I’m happy I got the Xbox. Guilty Gear is just one more thing that it did right.


I was thinking about the SF collection. I’ll probably pick it up.

DOA: Ultimate’s arcade multiplayer mode is super-intriguing… the only problem is that the arcade game it simulates you standing around is Dead or Alive :/.

But ok, maybe it’s a regional thing with the lag. Who knows. Anyway, it seems likely that it will be fine, plus I watched my friend playing Fable last night and it looks rad, so the Xbox is back on my want list.

20 dollars! HOLY SHIT

I’ll be on, too, as soon as I can bloody find the game around here.

I broke down and picked it up, despite being horrible at the game. I put you on my friends list with this game in mind last night Dave Long, anyone else who wants to play, my gamertag is schmidt, and I’m in SC so at least being on the same coast we might get a decent connection. Worth trying at least.

Definitely Wholly… I added you to my friends list last night. I’m game to play with anyone from here when I’m on next. I might be able to get some time in later tonight after my NHL 2K5 game at 11 (provided that happens).

Feel free to send a friend invite if I don’t have you yet and/or send me a game invite if you see me online. I was nagging Mike while he played fuzzyslug last night and Mike indicated he could see that while he was playing fuzzy.


My stick came today, so let me just let you guys know.

Playing with a stick is freaking hard as crap when you’re used to a controller. Jesus Christ.

I just got back from a friend’s place where we played fighters with the sticks all night. He’s got one of these for the PC…


It took me about twenty minutes to adjust but only because I spent a lot of time playing with a stick on the Neo Geo consoles I’ve owned. I also have a nice HORI stick for the PS/PS2.

Once you adjust though, you’ll quickly find that d-pads just don’t cut it. I was busting out moves left and right by the end of the night that are usually tough for me to do consistently on the d-pad.


Sweet Lord, that stick’s $589.00. I thought my bloody $100 X-Arcade made ME hardcore – thus, I am shamed!

It inspires awe in me every time I visit him. :)

He also has Armor Attack… the 1980 Cinematronics arcade game. That’s worth at least $1000. I played for awhile tonight. That’s still one great arcade game, especially co-op.

He’s got a partially built driving set up too. Adjustable seat… the whole nine yards.

Anyway, that slikstik seems to be worth the dough if you’re willing to invest that kind of money. :)


The Hori Fighting Stick 2, perchance? That’s the one I just got.

Nah, if I was going all out I’d probably just get a nice custom stick from MAS.

I want in. I played 10 or so rounds last night with ‘good’ connections and it was pretty impressive. I didn’t catch a hitch or anything.

My gamertag is foozmelon