I don't do vinyl, but if I did, it would be the Ape Out soundtrack

Title I don't do vinyl, but if I did, it would be the Ape Out soundtrack
Author Tom Chick
Posted in Games
When October 19, 2020

I'm not hip/pretentious enough to own a record player, and even if I were, I would be too lazy to actually use it..

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I would bet that at at some point in your history were a turntable and some Sean Cassidy and maybe Bee Gees LPs though.

Tom probably had Tales from Topographic Oceans in one of those anti-static sleeves.

I mean I certainly did.

Plus you’ve got to have some musical accompaniment for your play sessions with Norman’s Sky !


I’m quite pretentious but not hip. But most of all I am very, very cheap. So cheap I never threw away my player, while I don’t have any records left. But it served me well, as my mother suddenly felt the need to listen to old records after being forced to move and go through all the stuff of her life. I also learned that way that I needed a pre-amp to have her BT speaker output sound if plugged to such a record player.
Super interesting my life facts, dunno why I felt the need to post this :O

The funny thing is, analogue is so much better than digital, in almost every possible way. A great analogue system is something worth investing in. Not this close and play, urban outfitters bullshit, but a real honest to goodness high end audio system based around analogue. The difference at that level is so severe, they shouldn’t even be called the same thing.

Hijack/sidetrack relinquished, this soundtrack is awesome.

Thanks @Ultrazen. My 30-year old turntable is belt-driven, and the belt is finally making occasional squeaking sounds. For years, I argued that analogue sounded better to me than digital, even with all of its little pops and clicks (most of my albums are old). But I couldn’t argue my point much beyond, “It sounds better to me,” and now that my turntable belt needs replacing, I was considering looking around for a higher-quality turntable, since my turntable I think cost only $100 when it was new in 1990. And it did a fine job, but I knew there were better ones out there.

However, digital pressure had almost convinced me to just throw my old one away and not repair or replace it. Deciding what to do has been an internal battle, but I think your post kind of tipped me toward buying a new one sometime soon.

oh boy, they have really nice record covers … mostly sold out!!
hm, I think I have to jump in for “Ape out”. I have a record player, nothing special, but good enough.

edit: good, most of the stuff is sold out, this saves me a lot of money. Otherwise I would have bought Goose Game Vinyl, Outer Wilds, Shadow of the Colossus …

Oh that’s lovely!