I hate Age of Empires III

Metta, msg me if you’re serious. I have no urge to play the game…at least with gothic II gold, I’ll get some retread loving out of it and my daughter likes it. :)

Message sent, Matt.

damm, late to the party. I could use a free a copy as well :)

I hear ya. I just got hooked back into DoW. It’s the patching that does it…“oh, maybe I’m better with the Orks now.” Something ES could learn…

Serious thread necro, but I never played this game, even though I’ve own it and its two expansions forever. My question’s regarding installation:

Should I just install AoE3 and the two expansions before playing AoE3?


Is it better to finish AoE3, then install The War Chiefs; and then finish The War Chiefs, and then install The Asian Dynasties?

I’m fairly certain the menu will include all the options from all of the expansions, once you’ve installed them all.

From my understanding the interface improvements Big Huge Games did for TAD don’t they trickle down into the original AOE3 and TWC? If so I would at least install TAD.

My vote is to install’em all.

Man, where are the RTS games like this these days? I can’t remember the last one I bought, in what was once my favorite genre.

RTS is dead. Why that happened would be an interesting conversation.

There’s a handful of evolved takes on the traditional PC RTS arriving in Q1 of 2010. Look out for Supreme Commander 2, Ruse, C&C 4, and Chaos Rising for Dawn of War 2. And there’s Starcraft 2 coming later in the year, if you care about that. It’s really a last hurrah for the genre on PC. I don’t expect any major PC RTS activity after 2010 beyond niche games, social games, and expansions. It’s a depressing time to be a PC RTS fan.

I started a separate thread to discuss this. Your statement was intriguing.

I watched Tom and McMaster’s play that was uploaded to YouTube today which caused me to think, “I think I own the complete edition on GFWM,” and I do! So I installed it, and invited tchick and JVMcMaster to my friends list. I’ve never played the game (last played AoE2, I believe?), so I’m easy pickings.

We weren’t friends before? Dude, why you gotta be that way?

Age III can be weird online. Firstly, I think you might have to friend us from within Ensemble Online*. I’m tchick and McMaster is JVMcMaster. Secondly, we had to mess around with running the executable in administrator mode to get multiplayer games going. And be sure you put age3y.exe in admin mode, since that’s the version with Asian Dynasties and all the rest of the content.

But otherwise, damn does this game hold up.


  • Unfortunate name, considering Ensemble no longer exists. :(

Amen to that, Tom. My son was telling me the other day about playing with a friend of his at college. It’s such an awesome game.

Ensemble and Origin, two great modern… uhh services.

I added you both (tchick and JVMcMaster) via ESO(?), and was able to see in-progress MP games just by running the game directly from a desktop shortcut I created from the Windows Games directory. If it doesn’t allow me to play on ESO, I’ll do as you suggested, so thanks!