I hate this guy

Well… you’re the expert. :)

How many animal GIFs have you posted, Rich? Have you counted them all?

I don’t hate this guy, but he does seem inordinately excited about his boring ol’ productivity hardware.


What I like about the above ad is the honesty of it. Every girl I ever dated absolutely loved to sit by my side and watch me play computer games. It’s the best date ever, they all said!

I’d just like to remind everybody how this thread started:



Just your typical hip family using their PolyMorphic Systems Poly 88 home computer - July 1977.

Bonus points to the guy carrying the water cooler bottle.


Now look what you started.

Gaming while taking a dump!

Why do you think the Switch is so popular???

Early Dreamcast ad

I missed my calling as a 90~00s gaming ad exec.

‘Buy this product and have an existential crisis and/or nervous breakdown!’



Did we ever figure out who the WOOOOO! guy is?

We are all the WOOOO! guy. The WOOOO! guy is all of us.

Goo goo g’joob