I hate this guy

Believe it or not, it is actually visible in the picture…

(In his glasses)

He’s a poseur though.

Real gamers have blackout windows!

Hes’ not even looking at the monitor. At best he’s looking at the right side bezel. Realistically he’s looking between the monitor and can of Red Bull… at the wall.

“Yes wall! You go wall! WOoooooo!”

I think he’s psyched about whatever game one of his Steam friends just started playing.

Good call. Still has the creases from the packaging.

Never has the thread title been more appropriate.

Oh, that guy. Yeah, really.

Granted, Fred Durst is the most talented and interesting artist the 90s ever produced, but that ad hasn’t convinced me to try sega.net.

At least the Dreamcast controller adds authenticity to his nerd cred.


You spelled Kurt Cobain wrong.

So Fred Durst wasn’t a random angry teen? The ad makes even less sense now.

from Intel Optane’s page.

Why spend all that money on monitors, only to put them on a child’s desk?

Guess I should just buy the damn thing already to get off my Steam recommendations list.

:- (

Shit! That guy looks like me! For I second I thought Intel were spying on me until I realised I have neither a triple monitor setup nor a weird array of blue lights at the back of the desk!

I think he actually has 6 monitors!

(He also looks like one of the people from the Satellite Reign developer videos)

Well then I’m even more certain it isn’t me!

Between this and Pod’s previous post, what’s with the beards?

Did Lunix take over the world?!

Hey! My wife says it makes me look sexy!