I hate this guy

He would have been, except he’s still glued to his seat…

A Sidewinder 2? Must be a photo of @BrianRubin 's birth.

Nothing screams “gamer” like a work shirt tucked into belted khakis.

And what is wrong with that?

Says the guy who is wearing that right now is just curious.

Ah, so you’re a stealth gamer, huh? AKA “gameinja”. Or something.

Sure, I am as well wearing something similar. But I’m also not in a photo shoot for a game ad (or engaged in a fire fight with aliens). :)


“There are adult-only rated games? Hmm… I’d better look into that!”


His gaming room.


It sure can!

Funny, the same issue of CGW from which I cribbed that ad also has an actual ad for Full Throttle:

I find it hard to believe it would have been perceived as a techically ambitious game that needed that extra OOMPF from some new hardware to run?

I assumed the use of the term was coincidental in the hardware ad.

Meanwhile, from the annals of ‘companies that should rethink their name’:


Well, considering the use of STI is preferred over STD these days, it’s not such a bad name now as it once was. ;)