I hate this guy

Yes, very fondly. And the Talking Parrot!

I get all my spiritual advice from MS Office Clippy.

(Too mean? Should I delete this?)

I love this thread.

Maybe it was like Sexy ELIZA.

Lol no it’s awesome lol.

“Watch her”

Seems plausible.

That should be an emote on Twitch it’s so terrible.

She wouldn’t have to strain that hard to see if she would WEAR THE DAMN GLASSES.

Not only is the picture beautiful, but the text alludes to what is the most important part of my life. What a wonderful dream-filled package!

That’s… eww.

That is a special brand of wrong.

Wonder what Mr. McLeroy’s handle here is.

You have to hate this kid just as much.

I think I hate this guy the most in this thread. He reeks of whatever passed for douchebaggery in the 80’s (?).

Hey, remember when we used to think, man all I have to do is beat the dragon in Dragon’s Lair and then the chicks will be all over me! You guys thought that right? No I didn’t either, I think it was that guy over there, for sure. I mean, psh! I know, right?

No, but I think that if I land my Kerbals on Duna then they will be all over me for sure!!