The Beatles - The Ballad of John & Yoko
Mamas & Papas - Creeque Alley
The Ramones - R-A-M-O-N-E-S
The Clash - Clash City Rockers
The Clash - This Is Radio Clash
And, of course, The Killer, who can’t record a song without sticking his name in there somewhere.
…and my all-time champ, “Sublimation Hour” by Destroyer. Dan Bejar hitting those power chords with such obvious vehemence after the line “There’s a rumor goin’ 'round even Destroyers have a price” is one of the great lost moments in recent recorded rock history.
“My Name Is Prince” tickles the hell out me, mainly because after making it known that his name is Prince, Prince goes on to note that he is also funky.
Man, I saw FLASHING LIGHTS and for a split second I thought you were referring to Screaming Lord Sutch.
“Rock and Roll Band” by Boston from the album Boston with the lyrics “well, we were just another band out of Boston…” telling the story of their rise to fame.
KMFDM has done the self-song thing for years, and every one is great. (Although the argument can be made that they’re not rock. Electronica-pop-metalish stuff.)