I miss her? (i.e. am a putz?)

You took that stuff about ignoring her literally, Bill? Must I put little winkie faces next to everything? My point was that even when I am doing things alone, it just doesn’t feel right when the house is empty. I wasn’t saying that I don’t talk to her anymore. I tell my wife everything. That’s part of why I am lonely. I live at least an hour away from all my old friends, so we just don’t really hang out anymore. So I have a week’s worth of stuff to talk about and no one to talk to. It was especially odd to watch the first Titans preseason game and not be able to analyze it with her. I DVR’ed it though, so we can catch up.

As for VegasRobb, yeah I do tell her my feelings…cause I am a sensitive guy :P

Dude, you are totally gonna score when she gets home. Are you psyched or what?

I figure I can just show her this thread, and I am in!

well, until I posted this message, I was.

An hour from your friends? Most people spend more time on the road going to and from work (each way) in SoCal. An hour is nothing.

No, no. When they’re there I just get drunk and yell at them a lot.[/quote]
Shut your word hole, junior, and pick up that controller! You can have your dinner when you’ve saved the princess!

Honestly? I think that would be awesome. Append it all with my favorite, Cool Guy Sunglasses Smiley, 8)

STOP IT ROBERT YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRY :cry: Actually, I was just goofing on you a little, but it was some of the other genius replies here that saddened me.

If she likes that, she is a keeper. Here’s my girlfriend: “We’ll watch football, because I know you like it, but I’ll be doing my nails and other things, okay?” And I KISSED HER FEET.

Sorry Robert; VEGAZ BOYZ R HARD.