I need to capture game footage off a playstation one. I have tried several off the shelf producs, one called Dazzel and the other a Pinnical studios product. Neither of them will capture PS one game footage. The problem, as it turns out, is the PS one’s video encoder is a piece of shit. Normal NTSC video runs at 60 frames a second, but puts out 2 identical frames in a row, effectivly giving you 30. The PS one, on the other hand, puts out one video frame, and one black frame and this is the source of all my problems.
Anyway, I really need to do this, and if anyone knows a product that will work or a trick I can do (I tried recording to video tape and grabbing that, and it still did not work), please let me know.
go there, download, install/configure, pop in your ps disc, and hit print screen. Take care to run in whatever the regular ps resolutions are if you need it to be true to what it looks like on a ps (although many games look WAY better at 1600x1200 or something)